Prompt 20: Farewell to 2010
In the spirit of quick little fics around the holiday rush, this is a meme-type prompt.
The rules:
1) Grab the nearest book.
2) Turn to page 10 and find the 10th word.
3) Image search that word (skip over words like "and" "the" "of" etc)
4) Choose a pic in the first 10 results and write a little something.
5) Short fics and pics may be posted right in the comments or posted to the comm as usual. Please just link to or upload any pics you use to your LJ or another host. We don't want to be the cause of hotlinking.
6) Let us know what the word was so we can giggle at the randomness of image search.
And as always:
♥ Link back to us if posting elsewhere
♥ Tag your post to
never_ever_will with 'Prompt 20'
♥ We focus on Series One and Two Doctor/Rose
♥ Have fun