”The Doctor is a legend woven throughout history. When disaster comes, he's there. He brings a storm in his wake and he has one constant companion: death.”
--Clive, "Rose"--
Prompt 16: Images
This mod is not very regular about prompt posting. Perhaps I need to enlist someone to keep track of me, or perhaps set an alarm to alert me about posting prompts.
I thought I would mention that though we are currently encouraging participation in our ficathon, participation is not a requirement, and if you happen to be inspired to write something that does not fall into the category of some “Bump in the Night”, then feel free to write it. All new fic is good in our book.
♥ Link back to us if posting elsewhere
♥ Tag your post to
never_ever_will with 'prompt 16'
♥ We focus on Series One and Two Doctor/Rose
♥ Have fun