Nov 28, 2005 21:33
Holy Blizzards Batman....
My entire car has been incased in a sheet of ice for the last two days. I can't chip it off, trust me, I've tried. If the rubbing alchohol doesn't work tomorrow morning, them I'm going after it with my hairdryer on an extension cord.
Today, they closed the West Acres Mall. They CLOSED the MALL. In the twenty years that I haven been here, never yet had I seen it happen. When they made the announcement at two you heard a mall-wide celebration from the employees. I got a snow day from work.
I think they even closed Walmart. Now you know its 'effing nasty if Walmart throws in the towel.
They closed down the city busses too, and they even run those when we have tornado warnings.
Wtf. Why do I still live here? Stupid debt. Begone with you!
On a diffrent note, I switched my nose stud out for a silver hoop today, something I swore I'd never do. It actually looks quite cute. I think I'll keep it for a while.
OH! I have discovered an AMAZING band. They're called Rasputina, a trio of two cello's and percussion. They're absolutely not what you are thinking, and I DEMAND that you download them. (Most importantly, you, AMANDA.) I'm enthralled with them. They are probably the most exciting thing I have found musically since...well... Hanson. Considering we all know how they toast my bread.
On a side note, I trimmed 12 very angry kitty paws today. My hand paid for it, however the back of my thighs thank me, for now Snack can no longer scale the back of my leg with out warning. Prada and Gucci were quite amused with Snack's first time. Snack was not... *sigh*
My kitchen, living room, cat closet, and front hallway are spectacularly clean, thanks to a mini marathon. Its the rest of my apartment that makes my forehead wrinkle.
Ah, very well. The princess calls... off to feed the kitten.