Mmk. I have to rewind and start last night. Marching Band. They erased the whole show up to the first impact set! It makes me so mad, because they fixed it so everyone would be able to do it and make their spots. Of course, there's still one set after that that have to completely haul ass backwards, while playing, and still can't make my spot. It frustrates me so much, but hopefully it'll work out.
After band last night, Sam and Ashley came to spend the night. We were up until about 3, and Sam didn't go to sleep apparently till 5, and Sam wicked kicked both of our asses in Yahtzee. She kept getting wicked high scores! I think she only lost 1 out of the 6 games. Then we fell asleep watching Hercules. I got up at 9:37, then went up to get them both up at about 10:15 so Sam could call ehr house and let them know my mom was picking up something from her house. Then Ashley came downstairs, and apaprently Sam went back to sleep. She got up at 11:40. We left at about 12:15, picked up Waddle, and went to the beach! It (the beach) was about twice as big as when we went there for camp, and there was no lifeguard chair on the campers beach! Anyways, the rest of the day was a blur of fun in the sun (where you meet everyone, here at Thunder Island). I took bunches of pictures. You can see them
here. Many good ones, and we modeled our swimsuits for y'all!