Another way home

Sep 07, 2011 22:03

"Well, that was unexpectedly… fun."

The words are carried into the cold northern air of the desolate wilderness. There was no one to hear the words except a few crustaceans who had crawled out of the sea.

The speaker, a bedraggled woman emerging from a ruined fortress. Soot and blood mat her hair and cover her hands making her unrecognizable. If it were a later year, she would have served as a potent example of the evils that would emerge from the place if it remained unguarded. But luckily for those who would come to guard it and explore it's depths, the Halls of the Demons would not announce it's existence to the world for several years. They would not have to face this demon.

There was no one here yet to guard against new evil coming into the word and no one to prevent ███████ from returning home.

"I thought I recognized the architecture," she says as she steps outside of the structure to get a better look at it. She brushes hair of her face, revealing a few strands of clean, vibrantly red hair. "Well someone has been busy here," she says with a smirk. "Bilrach, you magnificent bastard. How the hell did you manage to get your project all tangled up with the end of the universe?"

No one answers.

She fishes a ring out of her pocket, puts it on, and rubs it. The teleportation magics of the slayer ring removes her from the frigid northern landscape in short order, and again the crustaceans are the only evidence that something lives there.

She appears outside the door to her house in sunny Pollnivneach and quickly darts inside. Her afternoon is spent washing off the grime that the battle to get out of Bilrach's dungeon had deposited on her, so it is evening when she emerges from her house with a coil of rope around her shoulder.

"Why did I have to leave the teleportation tablets down there?" She is looking down the town well when a child approaches.


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