Jun 22, 2005 00:15
Some new news....well first bad news...my puppy has hip dysplasia, she just turned 1 in March and she already has trouble walking. When she gets up or lays down she cries because it hurts so bad :( so sad...so we have to take her to the vet and they will tell us how much it costs...but the other vet already estimated $2500-$3000 for surgery, so that sucks cause that's a lot of money.
I get my car this weekend!! My brother and Mom are driving to New York to pick up the other car, then I get my brothers, and 05' Dodge Stratus. Sweet
On Thursday Me and Cherie are getting our belly-buttons pierced!! Fucking sweet, my mom's making me pay for it cause she doesn't want me to, but she said she'll let me.
I did probably the dumbest thing ever the other...this blind guy came up to me and asked me to help find his wife cause she left and he couldn't find her, the guy was like 90. So he was like ya my wife is wearing all white and looking at flowers..so I saw her and I was like ya she's right over there, do you see her? and he was like No, I don't see her in which my mom then said, ya lindsay that's why he has the cane, he's blind! Omg I felt SOOO stupid...but the guy was funny as hell and just kept making jokes bought being blind. Like his wife told him to watch the cart while she went inside, and he was like ya and if I see anyone come near it i'll beat them with my cane. LoL anyways I thought I would share that lovely story with everyone because it made my day!
Going to the fireworks on the 30th at Borden, so if anyone wants to go with there's already a bunch of people going so call the cell.
Kristie we gotta hang out because every time we make plans something happens, so we DEFINATLY gotta hang out soon.
Britt call me!! Thursday
<3 <3