I've never been so disgusted?

Apr 12, 2009 23:18

  Honestly, there is nothing more entertaining than browsing the "rating communities" on LiveJournal. I didn't know until recently that entire communities existed where elitism ruled based solely upon a person's "good personality and good interests" along with beauty. Beauty is such a subjective thing isn't it? I tried to hold back my loathing and not troll these communities after seeing members (Who are admittedly not that beautiful or interesting) reject people for being fat or not good enough. Being fat is apparently important to these rather vapid people. Who knew that being fat or not fat was actually important. I thought about submiting a joke application to a certain community but I prefer to observe from the sidelines. There are enough trolls already!

I've learned a lot about these people and what they're about. After having a few laughs at both parties expense (the hopefuls and the accepted members) I can't help but feel empty inside. Is this what our world has become... a contest where a person is judged by one application on the internet? The internet is a cruel place and of course it never forgets. Why do people submit pictures of themselves only to have themselves be torn down by cruel "queens"? I try to rid the sour taste in my mouth but it doesn't go away. I want to message each and everyone of these people and inform them that they do not have a right to judge, but I realized something. These people post online what many people want to say in real life. Admit that you too wanted to call him or her fat! It's true that being mean or critical is part of being human. I believe that such actions are shocking only because they are preserved on the internet where everyone can read them. Perhaps cruelty is part of human nature. I have experienced unkind words and sneers through out my years at school and the snotty attitudes of these people are quite similar! Being "different" isn't bad here but apparently a person can be judged in a couple of minutes.

It is impossible to describe the complexities of a person based on a couple of poorly contructed questions and pictures. I'm not a very ugly person myself, however I doubt that my interests and hobbies would be up to par with these ladies and gents.

I will never submit an application to any of these rating communities not out of fear but out of distaste. I could say that it is out of my disdain for elitism but this would be a lie because I often express elitist attitudes about plenty of topics. I will never submit an application because I do not see the point. Why would I seek validation from people with too much time on their hands? W I sincerely hope that these people who get perverse pleasure out of rejecting hopefuls outgrow their tiresome gain and that the hopefuls find a more fulfilling outlet to express themselves. I do see the need and purpose of such communities but they will never be more than catty groups of popular girls picking on the girls who  just aren't pretty enough, popular enough or rich enough. Truthfully many of the hopefuls neglect to fill out the applications correctly and many of them do not even use proper grammar, but why is it okay to treat a person with such cruelty. It is never okay to tear down a person due to pride and possible insecurity. Being mean to others isn't cool, trust me because I've done it before and been on the receiving end. When the mean girls come out to play I'll sit on the bank watching. Perhaps one day I'll come down to lift up the hopefuls as they walk away in sadness but for now all I can do is watch. I was always good at watching other people and writing down my thoughts.

my thoughts, rating communities, lj

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