(no subject)

May 30, 2006 09:05

So yeah. Here's the deal. Write 6 things about you that people normally wouldn't know. Or random things only a few people know.

Then tag 6 people.

1. My first boy crush was a disaster. He flushed my love note down the toliet.
2. I have a secret fascination for history.
3. I get heat exhaustion way too easily and fainted once while running the mile. First time I was in a hospital bed and in an ambulance.
4. I collect raisin boxes.
5. I clean more then 2 times a week.
6. I like to sing on the toliet.

tagging...gretchasketch, xseslumierex, pookpook, barnardsoul, mykitcheniscold, _sea_ghost,
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