Mar 14, 2006 08:01
Hello Everyone. Its me again.
Well, once again, Donald didnt get the car of his dreams. I feel so bad for him cause he really had his eye set on this one too. I mean, him and I drove 2 hours just to look a the car and then drive right back home afterwards. But I guess thats life.
Lately I've been going to a gym. Shapes to be exact. Oh boy do I love it. I think I am starting to see some changes but I know its going to take a little time. Whenever Im not at work or hanging out with Donald you can usually find me there. I am pushing myself so hopefully it will pay off.
Work blows [as usual]. I want a new job but I dont know if I should just abondon my friends and managers at the 3 in 1 (again). But then again its a hassle having to deal with the mean customers and when you finally get a break to where you have some nice customers, the people you work with start hassling you or start complaining. That store has WAY too much drama then what I signed up for. So if anyone knows if a nice, kind of high paying place, is hiring, please fill me in.
Well, I guess that should do it for now, gotta get ready for work. See ya.