Jun 29, 2013 21:57
I just found out that Joss Whedon's adapted Shakespeare's "Mudch Ado About Nothing" AND IT IS PLAYING IN A THEATER NOWHERE NEAR ME! I am driving to see it (through our absurdly large and congested capitol) as I speak. (Well. Riding. I won't drive in a city. I'm only braving the passenger seat through one because it's Joss :)
I hope I can contain my glee :p
ETA: Guh. SO GOOD! See it, see it, see it!
I love Keanu Reeves and all, but this is the first time I've ever found Don John sexy :p And Beatrice! And... Everyone :D Oh, Joss Whedon! And I thought I couldn't love you more!
movie talk: much ado