Masterpost 19

Feb 19, 2012 15:19

My Comment Fic Prompts for January:

Chuck/Supernatural, any, The number of guest stars that have been on Chuck who have played the devil on other shows makes me wonder: What if the devil were actually stalking Chuck? (Because Chuck is a vessel or The Righteous Man)

Chuck/Less Than Perfect, Bryce/Kip, The guy's got Chuck's face and a shark's smile and Bryce can't quite resist the incongruity.

Chuck/Less Than Perfect, Chuck/Kip, vanity

Chuck/Less Than Perfect, Team Bartowski + Kip Steadman, Bad guys go after someone who looks just like Chuck, but as the team guards him they realize that Chuck's doppleganger doesn't act anything like a Bartowski.

Supernatural(/any), Kronos/any, he would have stayed with her/him forever if he could have

any, any, using modern-day items to impress/frighten people in the past

Supernatural, Castiel(/Dean), He keeps going back in time and trying to change the way things turned out, but Dean dies in every scenario but the one in which Castiel becomes God

Chuck, Chuck, The new Intersect allowed him to go back in time and change things, but it won't allow him to forget why he had to change things in the first place

Chuck, any, There's nothing in the Intersect about (asteroids, demon plagues, the devil returning, zombies - your choice of apocalypse :p) Read .

Supernatural/Angel, any Wolfram & Hart employees, when the Senior Partners realize that angels are getting involved, they pack up and scram - leaving their employees with a half-constructed apocalypse on their hands, angels and demons alike breathing down their necks, and the question of what they'll do in a post-apocalyptic world without perpetuity clauses or severance packages weighing on their minds

White Collar, Neal/Peter/Elizabeth, This Means War!AU: Neal and either Peter or Elizabeth is a world-class spy; they realize that they are both dating the same person and wage a war for his/her affections (only to realize that they'd be much happier turning their dual twosomes into a threesome)

Chuck, Sarah + Casey + Bryce, Clive Decker brings them into the future and tells them that the CIA needs their help to bring in the very deadly Intersect that has gone rogue and released the Omen virus.

Criminal Minds, any, If you'd told him/her years ago that this is how Spencer Reid was going to turn out, he/she would have thought you were crazy.

Supernatural, Dean + Sam + Bobby, Dean is Batman, Sam is Robin, and Bobby is Albert who raised them. (Cas could be whichever character from Batman lore that you'd like.)

Criminal Minds/Angel/Chuck, Season 1 or 2!Reid + BtVS!Wes + Season 1 or 2!Chuck, nerds to the rescue

Chuck, Chuck, He's not always the nice guy everyone expects him to be.

Criminal Minds, Reid, (season 5) badassery with a cane

White Collar, Neal, The life of a thief and a conman isn't always glamorous (sometimes it's downright gritty)

Chuck(/any), dark!Chuck(/any), author's choice

RPS, Zachary Levi/Matthew Bomer, in the dark

White Collar(/any), dark!Neal(/any), his masterpiece. Read this.

Sherlock Holmes (2009 movie or Game of Shadows), Holmes/dark!Watson, the one villain he cannot bring himself to oppose

Smallville/any, Lex +or/ any, If he'd known that he as going to live forever, he wouldn't have made such a hard-to-oive-down name for himself.

Any show with a Mark Sheppard character/any other show(s) with a Mark Sheppard character, any, author's choice

NCIS/Chuck, teams with any pairings author chooses, "You see? This is why I hate working with ___!" Read this.

Inception/Criminal Minds, Arthur(/Dom or Eames) +or/ Reid, cat and mouse

Chuck/any, Chuck +or/ any, more dangerous than he looks

Criminal Minds, Prentiss + team, ways that Prentiss could have been reunited with the team besides what happened in "It Takes a Village"

Chuck, Chuck/Bryce, 5 things Chuck could have done after finding out that Bryce didn't die (again) and what he actually did.

Chuck/Highlander, Chuck/Bryce, Chuck is Immortal and Bryce is not... but Chuck is using every bit of his Intersect-enhanced intellect and scientific abilities to change that

No Rest for the Wicked: A Basil & Mobeus Adventure/Chuck, Bryce +or/ Mobeus and/or Chuck, Bryce meets an incorrigible British thief who is the exact opposite (and spitting image) of Chuck

Criminal Minds/Sherlock Holmes (RDJ movies), Reid +or/ Sherlock/Holmes, Reid is somehow thrown back in time... and he likes it there.

Inception/Suits, Arthur/Mike, Harvey's used to hating Mike's boyfriends on sight because they're usually losers... He hates this one on sight because he isn't. Read Mike's Men.

Breaking In/Smallville, Cam/Lex, Since he started dating Lex Luthor, an awful lot of people have tried warning Cam away

Chuck, Shaw, you don't go from hero to villain without losing at least a little of your mind

Chuck, Volkof, he knows that he's an absolute villain; he doesn't know why he occasionally feels wrong for doing the things that he knows he enjoys

Any, any, they are all monkeys

No Rest for the Wicked: A Basil & Moebius Adventure/any, any, he/she/they want(s) to keep the deadly monkey assassin

Chuck, Chuck +or/ Casey +or/ Bryce, monkeysuit

White Collar, Neal +or/Peter +or/ Elizabeth, monkeysuit

Chuck/White Collar, Chuck/Neal, On an extended undercover op in prison, Chuck meets Neal who is still serving time.

Criminal Minds, Reid, trigger-happy

My Fills:

Life Is Like a Firefight (With Chances Instead of Bullets) Chuck/Supernatural, Bryce/Chuck + Sam/Dean, PG-13

neal/peter, comment fic: jan 12, fic: crossover: chuck/ncis, rec: suits, fic: chuck, fic: white collar, fic: crossover, fic:ncis, fic: spn, rec: inception, rec: fic, comment_fic, fic: crossover: chuck/spn

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