In celebration of Chuck's Season 5 premiere tonight, I am posting this promise:
Respond with a Chuck prompt (gen, het, slash, crossover with a fandom I know) and I WILL write something for it, even if it's just a few sentences.
All I ask in return is that if you are a Chuck writer you copy and paste this text into a post on your own journal.
Not a bad way to ring in the new season, right? :p Since I've got a shiny new version of Photoshop now, I'll also take Chuck icon requests if you comment with a pic or two. So prompt me! And if you're not a Chuck fic writer, pass this link to your fellow Chuck fans and send 'em my way :)
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ETA: These fics have come out of this so far:
Split-Second Gen, PG, Chuck was taken in Season 2. It's taken Sarah and Casey years to get him back.
The Spies Next Door Chuck/Sarah, G, They ran after Season 2 and have been running ever since.
Constant Chuck/Bryce, G, Bryce couldn't talk the CIA out of pursuing Bryce at Stanford.
A Fixed Mark girl!Chuck/Bryce, PG
Mama Bear, Papa Bear Chuck/Sarah, G, Sarah finds out she's pregnant.
A Gun, A Knife, and A Pillow Fight Bryce/Chuck/Sarah, PG, Sleeping arrangements for three are complicated when you involve a spy's cache of weaponry.
In the Service of Something Greater Bryce/Chuck, PG-13, Historical AU. Lord Bryce and Charles, in her majesty's service.