Just a Little Impromptu Love-Slinging

Oct 14, 2011 17:26

I know National Coming Out Day was Tuesday, but since then a young member of my family has come out to a select few people, including myself, and though I've always felt this and have said it at times, I felt the need to say it again, now, to anyone on my f-list listening:

You are beautiful. All of you who live your life the way you were meant to live it, however that might be. You are amazing and brave and you deserve the support of the people you love whether you have it or not, and I hurt for any of you who have gotten anything less.

Also, there are so many wonderful, supportive people on my f-list and you rock too :D If our schools and our churches were as full of open-minded, truly loving people as my f-list is, I could raise my children with a lot less fear for what they might be put through in their lives.

Hugs and kisses to all of you!


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