My Comment Fic Entries for August 2011:
Cold Comfort Chuck, Chuck/Bryce, G
A Hold On Me Chuck, Chuck/Bryce, PG
Welsh Hospitality Torchwood/Angel, Ianto +or/ Angel, PG
Of All Things Sweet Supernatural, Dean/Cas, G
The Language of Pancakes Chuck, Chuck + Ellie, G
As the False Neutrality Fades Angel, Angel/Wes, PG-13
Artificial Horizons Angel, Wes/Lindsey, PG
My Prompts for August:
Criminal Minds, Hotch/Reid + Tobias, fornication
Criminal Minds, Hotch/Reid, Foyet
Chuck, Chuck/Bryce friction
Criminal Minds/White Collar, Reid/Neal, Feds
Chuck/White Collar, Chuck/Neal, facsimile
Criminal MInds, vamp!Spencer + team, the advantages and disadvantages of being a vampire on a team of FBI agents that hunt serial killers
Dylan Dog, Dylan/Marcus, Marcus is bit by a vamp instead of a zombie
White Collar/Suits/Criminal Minds, Neal +or/ Mike +or/Spencer, throughout the ages
Suits, Harvey/vamp!Mike, agreeing to be Mike's dom might one day be the death of him - literally
Criminal Minds/Chuck, Reid/Chuck, they're there for each through the tough times caused by both their jobs
Dylan Dog/Chuck, Dylan/Bryce + Chuck/Marcus, partnership
Dylan Dog/Chuck, Dylan/Chuck, finding love again
Criminal MInds/Supernatural, Spencer/Sam, Sam makes Spencer feel treasured
Criminal MInds, Hotch/Reid, the Reaper goes after Hotch's young lover
White Collar/Chuck, Neal/Chuck, paint on his hands
Chuck, vamp!Chuck/Bryce, Here Comes the Sun
Suits/Dark Angel, Harvey/Mike, When the existence of transgenics becomes known, their secret makes MIke look suspicious. (Bonus points if Mike actually is a transgenic but Harvey didn't know.)
Chuck/Gossip Girl, Chuck +or/Chuck, Chuck Bass is the genius son of two superspies; Chuck Bartowski is the playboy son of a billionaire hotel magnate.
Chuck, Chuck/Casey, Chuck loves it when Casey cooks for him
Chuck, Chuck, 5 ways being a spy has changed him for the worse/better; 1 way it's changed him for the better/worse
Chuck/White Collar, Chuck/Bryce!Neal, 5 times Chuck went to New York for Bryce; one time Bryce went to California for Chuck
Chuck/White Collar, Chuck/Neal, 5 times they each did the other's job better than expected and one time it was clear who's the government spy and who's the con
Suits, Mike/Harvey, 5 universes in which they didn't get together and one in which they did
Sutis/White Collar, Mike/Neal, 5 ways they could have come into one another's lives; the way they really did
Chuck, Casey + Bryce, "Aren't you done breaking the kid's heart yet, Larkin?"
Any, any, "I didn't kill you. God killed you. I just made sure it took."
Chuck/White Collar, Chuck/Neal, "...because you wouldn't like me as much if you knew everything."
Suits/White Collar, Mike/Neal, "If you're in love with your boss I need to know now... Before I make an even bigger fool of myself."
Suits/White Collar, Mike/Neal, A Day in the Life
Chuck/White Collar, Bryce!Neal/Chuck and/or Peter, Happiness is a Warm Gun
Suits, Harvey/Mike, Leave My Kitten Alone
Supernatural/Drive Angry, Dean/the Accountant, the Taxman
How I Met Your Mother, Ted/Barney, they meet as modern-day teenagers
Chuck, Chuck + Bryce, Bryce is a child spy and Chuck is his best friend who gets pulled into the life of spying too when he unexpectedly saves the day
White Collar/Inception, Neal and Arthur as fraternal twins, their sons take after their uncles more than their fathers
Any, any, I've been through a thousand yesterdays // not every step I can retrace
Suits/White Collar, Mike/Neal, after Keller tries to get to Neal through Mike
Chuck, Chuck/Bryce + Casey, how Casey helped Chuck deal with Bryce's death
Chuck, Chuck/Bryce + Morgan, after Stanford, Chuck is heartbroken; how Morgan helps him cope
White Collar, Neal + Diana + Jones, how they help each other cope with a tragedy
Any, any, I've learned never to put a ? where God has put a period
Chuck/White Collar, Casey + Diana, bonding over gun love
Any(/any), any, some day the mountain might get 'em but the law never will
NCIS/Torchwood/Doctor Who, team, Ducky is a time lord; when he finally dies, he is reborn as Owen and keeps his place at NCIS; how everyone reacts to this new "Ducky"
Chuck, Chuck/Bryce, Bryce is still alive at the time and the one the Norseman device targets; Chuck's only hope of saving him is to upload the very first Intersect program and lose himself just like Hartley did
White Collar, Neal/Peter, jealousy over Neal and Raquel brings back feelings Peter thought had faded since Neal stole the treasure
Chuck, Chuck/Bryce or Casey, in Chuck Versus Phase Three everything but the Intersect is erased, leaving a very different personality behind
White Collar, any, every time the situation with the treasure is resolved (Neal gets caught, Neal gets killed, Neal gets away, etc.) Neal wakes up and it's the day Adler dies all over again
White Collar/Inception, Neal/Arthur, a fiery passion
The Boondock Saints(/Ash Wednesday), Connor(/any) &or/ Murphy(/any), Hell's Kitchen
Chuck, Chuck/Bryce or Casey, hotshot
Suits, Harvey/Mike, Harvey is secretly not fully human - which is no problem until he and Mike get stuck somewhere together while Harvey is in heat
Angel/Chuck, Wesley/Chuck, Chuck has the hots for his and Bryce's History of Magics professor
Suits, Harvey/Mike, what if they met after Mike had already done time in prison?
White Collar, Neal/Jones, what if Jones were openly gay?
Chuck, Chuck/Casey, what if Casey thought that Chuck was dating Alex?
Chuck, Chuck/Shaw, what if Shaw never turned?
Chuck, Chuck/Bryce, what if Bryce went into deep cover after season 2, instead of dying, and returned to Burbank after the Norseman had killed Sarah?
Chuck, Chuck/Bryce, "I don't talk to dead men."
Any(/Any), any, "Look, I'm not telling you not to stay in that room for your own good... Frankly, selfishly, I just don't want to clean up the mess."
Supernatural, Dean/Castiel, "God? [There is] no God."
Any, any, Avoid suspicion, manipulate your friends, and eliminate your enemies. Read
this by
direwolfdragon (Castle/Beckett, PG)
Suits, Mike/Harvey, Zombie Apocalypse: "They don't go down when you shoot them." "Hell, neither do I."
Any, any, When man meets a force he cannot destroy, he destroys himself.
Chuck, Chuck/Bryce, Bryce is the one who gets the kill order on Chuck at the end of Season 1, not Casey. Read
A Spectacular Man by 03_07_1992
Chuck/White Collar, Chuck/Bryce!Neal, how they keep in touch while Chuck's in LA and Neal's in New York. Read this by
daria234 Chuck, Chuck/Bryce, 5 times when speaking Klingon came in handy
White Collar, Neal/Peter/Elizabeth, they all 3 pass each other love notes on a regular basis and when Diana or Jones intercepts one from El to Neal they get the wrong idea. Read
to love and be loved by
dome_epais LOTRPS, Orli/Lij or Orli/Sean Bean, speaking elvish gets him totally hot
Any, any, like soldiers they write letters to their loved ones in case they should die and each carries the other's letters with him/her
Chuck, Chuck/Bryce, Chuck is the special kid Azazel is after; he and Bryce both come from families of hunters and were trying to break away by going to Stanford - they realize this when a demon attacks Chuck and then Bryce has to save him; they then go on the road to figure out what's happening. Both carnage and love ensues. Read
AC/DC Can Suck My- by
03_07_1992 In this installment:
♥ Chuck/Bryce
♥ Angel visits the Hub
♥ Dean/Cas
♥ Chuck and Ellie and pancakes
♥ Castle/Beckett
♥ Chuck/Bryce!Neal
♥ Neal/Peter/Elizabeth love letters
♥ Chuck and Bryce as hunters