Masterpost 12

Jul 05, 2011 11:30

My Comment-Fic Entries for May & June:

To Be Missed - Chuck, Stanford-era Chuck/Bryce, PG-13 AO3

Double Identity - Chuck/White Collar, Chuck/Bryce + Neal, PG-13

Son of the King - Chuck, Chuck/Casey, PG

The Greatest Gift That Can Be Given - White Collar, gen, G

And This I Impart Unto You - NCIS/Highlander, gen, G

In Lieu of the Tickertape Parade - Dollhouse/Chuck/Leverage, Chuck/Casey + Tony/Eliot, G AO3

I’ve Paced These Ill-Paved Roads Before - Chuck/Torchwood, Chuck/Owen, G AO3

But Business is Business - Supernatural/Inception, Dom/Dean + John, PG

The Revenge of Kitty Galore - Supernatural, Sam/Cas + Kitten!Gabe, PG

Nothing Gold Can Stay - White Collar/Supernatural, Peter + Neal/Dean + Sam, G

Everybody’s Crazy Bout a Sharp-Dressed Man - SPN, Crowley/Dean, PG-13

Going Through the Motions - AtS, Spike/Wes, PG-13

For We Have Made an End - White Collar/Inception, Neal + Arthur, PG

My Comment-Fic Prompts for May & June:

Chuck(/White Collar), (Neal!)Bryce/Chuck, When Bryce gets the news about Chuck the words don't make sense to him (he doesn't want to/can't believe it.)

Supernatural, Dean/Cas, flibbertyjibbit

Chuck/White Collar, Bryce(/Chuck/)+ Neal, The closest Neal came to going to college was when Bryce was at Stanford and Bryce ensured his twin didn't miss out on university life.

Chuck/Supernatural/Inception, Bryce + Sam + Arthur, frat brothers

Chuck, Bryce/Chuck, They've both been recruited - what is juggling the college campus life with their spy life like?

Supernatural, Dean/Cas, a wrathful and jealous god

Nanny McPhee, Nanny/McPhee/author's choice, The single father Nanny assists falls in love with her - how does he handle being wanted and needed?

Spin City, Stuart/Carter, Stuart doth protest too much.

C.H.E.R.U.B.: Maximum Security, James/Curtis Phelps, James saves Curtis's art.

Supernatural/Nanny McPhee, wee!chesters, "Dude, we're not hunting the nanny!"

Supernatural, Dean +or/ Ben, Oedipus Rex

Supernatural, Dean/Lisa + Ben, Dean couldn't stop himself from turning Lisa and Ben while he's a vamp

Chuck, Chuck/Bryce, Chuck had a version of the Agent X program dormant in his head when Bryce sent him the Intersect; it activates and Chuck becomes the most murderous man since Volkoff to challenge the CIA.

Gossip Girl, Chuck/Dan, Chuck is a demon; Rufus sold his soul to better his children's lives and Chuck offers Dan his father's soul in return for Dan's obedience

Supernatural, Sebastian, Death is only the beginning.

Supernatural, Dean/Cas, "Bow down before the Lord, your God."

Gossip Girl, Chuck/Dan, A whore is a whore is a whore.

Gossip Girl(/any), Chuck(/any), the character defect that causes the downfall of the protagonist of a tragedy

Gossip Girl, Chuck/Dan, a shift or change in opinion, fortune, or direction

Chuck, Chuck/Bryce, a set of two

Gossip Girl/Chuck, Chuck/Chuck + Bryce/Chuck, one who attempts to equal or surpass another

Chuck, Chuck/Bryce, the forfeit of something valuable for the sake of someone or something considered to have a greater value

Chuck, Chuck/Casey, "That's not Chuck anymore, Casey. I'm sorry."

Breaking In/CW, crew (+ Misha Collins), "Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to fan-proof the home of a good buddy of mine who happens to be filming a tv show up in Canada."

Torchwood/Chuck, both teams, In the 2nd episode of Torchwood, Ianto speculates that Jack was once big ing the CIA. He was. And when Torchwood gets in trouble he calls on an old flame, Diane Beckman, who sends her best team to Cardiff to help.

Inception, Arthur/Dom or Eames, Arthur is unbearably sexy when he sweats.

Chuck, Vivienne/Chuck, You're a heartbreak who's really bad at lying. So watch me strike a match on all my wasted time. In case you haven't heard... as far as I'm concerned, you're just another picture to burn.

Gossip Girl, any, Chuck vs. The Broken Heart

C.H.E.R.U.B., James/Kyle, author's choice

Chuck/White Collar, Chuck/Bryce!Neal, Death Takes a Holiday

Gossip Girl, Chuck/Dan, Chuck vs. The Seduction Impossible

Gossip Girl, Chuck/Dan or Nate or Louie, Chuck vs. The Living Dead

Chuck, Chuck/Bryce, Dead Man Talking

Chuck, Chuck/Casey, Last Man Standing

Chuck, any, post-Chuck vs. The Cliffhanger, Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose...

Gossip Girl, Chuck/Dan, I'll close my eyes, then I won't see
The love you don't feel when you're holding me
Morning will come and I'll do what's right
Just give me 'til then to give up this fight...

Any, any, a heart so big, God wouldn't let it live...

Gossip Girl, Chuck/Blaire/Louie, "Well. This a royal first."

Chuck, Chuck/Bryce, The first time they each sat at a bedside, fearing that the other might die.

Chuck, any, first 'I love you' (during a firefight)

Supernatural, Dean/Cas, It's the first time Sam's seen his brother cry over a "lost love".

Chuck, any, During Chuck vs. The Cliffhanger, Chuck tries to reprogram Hartley as Alexei and ends up reprogramming himself. As the new Agent X, he makes his first kill: Clyde Decker.

Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, It seems to me you lived your life like a candle in the wind, never knowing who to turn to when the rains came in. I would have liked to know you, but I was just a kid... Read

Star Trek: Voyager, Tom Paris, Major Tom

Any, any, candle in the wind

Win a Date with Tad Hamilton, Pete/Tad, It was so cliche: boy loves girl, girl loves movie star... And then Pete went and fell in love with Tad Hamilton as well!

Supernatural, Crowley/Castiel, It was bound to go bad eventually... He supposes ehe should have made his move on the angel before the bloke got all smite-y. Read this.

Supernatural, Dean/Casteil, "If I'd told you sooner... Would you still have done it?"

Angel, Wes/Angel, Angel realizes that Wes thought Angel had meant him when he said "I should have killed you when I had the chance."

Chuck, Chuck/(immortal!)Bryce(!Neal), He keeps dying right when he's ready to tell Chuck how he feels.

Chuck, Chuck/any, It's probably the worst place and time for a declaration of love... but he/she doesn't want to miss this chance.

Chuck, Chuck/Bryce, Chuck's been a fully functional Intersect since he was a kid and has just been pretending to be normal.

Chuck, Chuck/Casey, Casey was working undercover for Fulcrum from the start and reveals this when he kidnaps Chuck.

I Am Number Four, Four(John)/Sam, Sam is Number Five.

Star Trek: Voyager, Paris(/any), Tom is the youngest starship captain in Starfleet; he is sent to capture the Maquis and chases Chakotay's ship into the Badlands.

Supernatural, Dean/Castiel, Lucifer never rebelled; Castiel is the devil and Dean is his one true vessel.

I Am Number Four, Four(John)/Sam, Bernie Kosar is even more protective of Sam than he is of Four - probably because Sam babies him at every opportunity, no matter what a badass alien creature Bernie is beneath his puppy dog exterior.

Chuck/CHERUB, Chuck + Ellie, Every year, Chuck and Ellie tell their friends that they're going on a "brother-sister campout" and instead go home to England; they stay at the CHERUB campus and remind themselves that Stephen Bartowski is a mission and that Burbank is not where they belong.

RPF (or RPs), Breaking In cast, Things get out of hand when Michael throws a party to celebrate the show's renewal.

Chuck, Chuck +or/ any, AU season 3: Chuck moves into his old family home and turns it into a backup base of operations

Chuck(/White Collar), Chuck/Bryce(!Neal), Every time Bryce thinks he's finally over Chuck, something renews his feelings for his old best friend.

Chuck, any, The Intersect calls the day his programming finally over-rode the personality of his physical host his "birthday" and the members of his team hate him for it, but he won't apologize for existing.

Angel, Angel, He pretended to be annoyed when Cordelia, Wes, Gunn, Fred, and Lorne would make a big deal out of his birthday; now that they're all gone, that day is even more lonely than others.

White Collar/Inception, Neal and Arthur as fraternal twins, how they chose and honor their birthday. Read Birthdays.

White Collar/Chuck, Peter, He can't figure out the birthday gifts - they always come for Neal on a day not his birthday, from a guy Neal claims not to know; they're just little gifts but Neal treats them like treasure.

Any (multiple) crossover, any, When they finally come to destroy the earth/ they'll have to go through you first / I bet they won't be expecting that...

Chuck, Chuck, I'm not a man/ I'm not a machine/ I'm just something somewhere in-between

Beastly, Kyle/Will, And I'd give up forever to touch you / cause I know that you feel me somehow...

Any, any, I've been thinking 'bout old Cain and Able
Sittin' at a breakfast table
Talking 'bout the way things used to be

Able looked at Cain and said
"All that shit was in your head"
I'd like to think that Cain was hard to please

Any, any, This is how it works
You're young until you're not
You love until you don't
You try until you can't
You laugh until you cry
You cry until you laugh
And everyone must breathe
Until their dying breath

No, this is how it works
You peer inside yourself
You take the things you like
And try to love the things you took
And then you take that love you made
And stick it into some
Someone else's heart
Pumping someone else's blood
And walking arm in arm
You hope it don't get harmed
But even if it does
You'll just do it all again

I Am Number Four, Sam +or/ John, as it turns out, people from Lorien have an opposite reaction to human alcohol; while alcohol is in John's system, he feels terrible, but when he's "hungover" he feels really good and really... frisky.

Chuck, Chuck + Awesome, After Devon's bachelor party, Devon wakes up kind of loopy from the sedatives so Chuck takes him to Casey's or Sarah's where Ellie won't see him and get the wrong idea; when he wakes up for real, half-naked in a strange bed next to Chuck, he jumps to conclusions about what happened the night before.

Chuck, cast, a Hangover (the movie) rewrite of Chuck's bachelor party

Chuck, any, Chuck wasn't wearing a vest in Chuck vs. The Aisle of Terror and Mary knew it; Chuck survives, but waking up from his dreams of being a family again after being drunk on hope for so long gives him the worst emotional hangover ever.

Red/White Collar/Inception, Frank Moses + Neal Caffrey + Arthur, S*!# My Grandpa Frank Taught Me. Read this.

White Collar, Peter/Neal/Elizabeth, when they take their kids on vacation people are often startled that the children have two dads and a mother.

Chuck, any, On second thought, trying to get to the Intersect through his children was a decidedly bad idea.

Supernatural, Cas/Sam and/or Dean, figuring out how to tell him/them that their baby, as a nephilim, is on Heaven's hit list. Read The Tornado and the Butterfly.

Chuck, Chuck/Bryce and Devon/Ellie and Sarah &or/ Casey, taking their babies to the beach

White Collar/Chuck, Bryce!Neal/Chuck, I'd only be pouring tears into your drying eyes

Chuck, Chuck/Bryce or Casey, Chuck had never seen him cry before

The Boondock Saints(/any), Connor/Murphy, Murph laughs when he cries hard enough; folks tend to die once someone's made Connor's brother cry hard enough. Read Abiding by the Light.

Any, any, I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks

Chuck, Chuck/Shaw, you had my heart inside your hand and you played it to the beat

Any, any, "O God, that I were a man! I would eat his heart in the market-place. .."

Chuck, Chuck/Sarah/Casey, three-way sexting

Chuck, Chuck/Sarah or Casey/Bryce, three-way sexting

White Collar/Chuck, Bryce!Neal +or/ Casey, Alex moves to New York for college after Chuck vs. The Pill, and Casey goes with her; he gets a job at the FBI and makes Neal worry that he'll blow Neal's cover.

Inception/White Collar/Red, Frank Moses + Neal Caffrey + Arthur, His sons might've grown up to be a couple of pretty-boy criminals, but they're there for their old man (and each other) when they need to be. Read tigriswolf's The Children Green and Golden Follow Him Out of Grace.

Inception/White Collar/Red, Arthur + Neal + Frank, They aren't biological brothers or Frank's sons, but he saved them both when they were small and the three of them somehow became a family. Read tigriswolf's If you're gonna play the game, boy, you'd better learn to play it right.

Any, any, "To become a parent is to choose to forever have your heart walking around outside your body."

Firefly, Jayne/Simon or Mal, even the hardest heart can break

White Collar, vamp!Neal, Peter or Elizabeth, Neal can't help himself - he sees blood on his/her skin and has to lap it up.

Any, any, love is just a bloodsport

Any, any, bloodletting

Any, any, bad blood

Supernatural, Dean/Cas, my blood, shed for you

Supernatural, Dean/Cas + Gabriel, Dean gives Cas so much grief about not wanting any "chick moments" that Gabe curses Dean with an allergy to non-touchy feely conversation

The Vampire Diaries/Supernatural, Sam/Damon, Pretending Damon has a sun allergy to keep John from freaking out would work better if Damon would play along

Charlie St. Cloud/Supernatural, Charlie +or/ Dean, "Wouldn't you hold on, if it were your Sam?"

How I Met Your Mother, Ted/Barney, "Kids, this is the story of how I met your father."

Gossip Girl, Chuck/Dan, one gets hooked on being roughed up by the other

RPF, Neil Patrick Harris + Allyson Hannigan + families, Neil and Aly get together often with their respective families so the kids can play

Chuck, Chuck/any, the first time Chuck has hatesex

Gossip Girl, Chuck/Dan, why it works

How I Met Your Mother, Ted/Barney, While they're on the outs because of Robin, Ted struggles with the fact that he's still incredibly attracted (and secretly in love with) Barney.

Any, any, the icing on the cake

Gossip Girl, Chuck/Dan or Nate, Chuck let's him top for the first time and is the toppiest nbottom imaginable

Chuck, Chuck/any, who'd have thought Chuck would be such a natural top

Modern Family, Cam/Mitchell, suitporn

Supernatural/White Collar, Dean/Neal, Dean's only let one guy top him and that's Neal

Chuck/White Collar, Bryce!Neal, Spy vs. Spy

Gossp Girl/Supernatural, Chuck Bass/Castiel, "The Lord cannot enter a body defiled by alcohol." "Good. I prefer to do the penetrating myself."

Chuck (My Own Worst Enemy fusion), Chuck or Bryce, he is a member of Project Janus; his switch starts to malfunction

My Own Worst Enemy, Edward/Henry, sexting

Inception/Chuck, Arthur/any, Arthur didn't know that his father is Orion until they were hired to extract information about the Intersect/Agent X from him.

Chuck, Chuck/Bryce or Chuck/Casey, Accidental Marriage

Angel, Wes, Achilles in His Tent

Red Riding Hood, Peter/Henry, Henry offers himself up to Appease the Volcano God Wolf

Red Riding Hood, Peter/Henry, Distress Ball

Red Riding Hood, Peter/Henry, Peter and Valerie are brother and sister and Valerie has a crush on Henry, but Henry has arranged to marry Peter; Peter is in love with Henry but doesn't want to hurt his sister.

Gossip Girl, Dan/Chuck, there is an age difference between the two; when they meet, Dan is trying to dig up dirt to put in his piece for the New Yorker and Chuck is in charge of his late father’s corporate empire

Chuck, Chuck/Bryce, Chuck and Bryce first meet after Sarah leaves Burbank with Shaw and Bryce is assigned to Chuck’s team in Rome

Chuck, Chuck/Casey, Chuck and Casey first meet when the CIA buy the BuyMore and make Operation Bartowski a priority

How I Met Your Mother, Ted/Barney, Robyn is a part of the group before Barney; when she introduces her new boyfriend to the group, Ted hates him - then Marshall and Lilly help him realize it’s because he’s got a thing for Barney himself

iCarly, Carly/Spencer, Spencer isn’t Carly’s brother - he’s the next-door neighbor who’s like a brother to her and watches out for her while her jet-setting parents can’t be bothered and she is totally in love with him

White Collar/Chuck, Chuck +or/ Bryce!Neal, Peter's never met Chuck before, but when Chuck has to crash at Neal's during a mission-gone-wrong Peter walks in on them in a compromising position and awkward explanations ensue.

In this issue:

♥ Stanford-era Chuck/Bryce
♥ Chuck/White Collar
♥ Fitzroy wins a bet
♥ the mini-Suit
♥ Immortals at NCIS
♥ Dollhouse + Chuck + Leverage
♥ Chuck Bartowski/Owen Harper
♥ Dom Cobb/Dean Winchester
♥ kitten!Gabe
♥ Agent Burke meets the Winchesters
♥ Crowley/Dean and Crowley/Cas
♥ Spike/Wes
♥ Arthur and Neal as brothers
♥ Connor & Murphy McManus

ETA: Dean, Cas, Sam and their nephilim

chuck/owen, comment fic: may 11, fic: crossover: chuck/white collar, fic: chuck, fic: crossover, fic: crossover: white collar/spn, dean/crowley, chuck/casey, fic: ncis, fic: bds, fic: white collar, fic: crossover: inception/spn, wes/spike, comment fic: jun 11, daddy!peter, chuck/bryce, kitties!, comment_fic

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