Wow. Under the cut below: some general fan-girling over last night's The Man Who Would Be King, a few quotes, some love for Crowley, and some Dean/Cas and Sam/Cas hmmm-ing.
How much do I love the direction Cas is going this season? So much! Yes, it is leading directly to heartbreak. But such tasty, tasty heartbreak! The angst in this (finally!) Cas-centric episode was so amazing. Dean's determination to be loyal to Cas. Cas's long, guilty, longing looks at Dean. The great dialogue. Of course Dean chooses now, with Cas's allegiances recently called into question, and the prospect of being put at odds with his own personal guardian angel, to be open about his feelings like he hasn't been before.
♥ He's the Bulky Bartokamis of Heaven. He can make a mistake ♥
Oh, Dean :p I don't know if this is cute because Dean is so very, very wrong about the threat level that Castiel could present if so inclined, or if it's cute because Cas really is a softy beneath all the Smitey McSmiterton and Dean's the only one, human or demon, who looks at Cas and sees it.
♥ It sounds so simple when you say it like that. Where were you when I needed to hear it? // I was there. Where were you? ♥
I think this is the shippiest conversation these two have every had. Usually, whenever one says something heavy on the subtext, the other either obviously doesn't know what to say or changes the subject. Here, one speaks and the other responds - if only in brief. This is such a touching moment, for several reasons - one of which is Misha Collin's amazingly soulful eyes. Damn, that boy can brood! I don't think even David Boreanaz did broody so well as Misha, back in his days as Angel. And I think that's saying something!
♥ When we were stuck - I mean, really stuck - he broke ranks. He has gone to the mats, cut and bleeding, for us so many times. This is Cas. ♥
Aw. Appreciative!Dean is so refreshing and so huggable! I want to scoop him up and cuddle him in the next moment, when he's all: "Cas is busy." And later when Cas gives himself away, and then when Cas can't meet his eyes!
♥ I'm not gonna logic you, okay? I'm saying don't, just cause. I'm asking you not to. That's it. Next to Sam, you and Bobby - you're the closest thing to family that I've got. You're like a brother to me. So if I'm asking you not to do something, you've got to trust me, man. ♥
Dean's and Cas's feelings weren't the only fascinating ones on the show, either. Although it's causing all this drama between Cas and "the boys" (God, I love how he calls them that :) I love that Crowley isn't dead! I thought his death abrupt and just enjoy Crowley's character too much to want it gone. Besides, if someone's got to rule Hell, it might as well be someone(/thing) as charming, quirky, and (at the very least, when it's beneficial to himself) cooperative as Crowley. I love the dynamic between his character and Castiel's so much. I never would have guessed that it would be so much fun to watch them play off of one another. And if Crowley didn't already have my approval, his fear of Dean and Sam would definitely do the trick.
♥ Don't worry about- What, like Lucifer didn't worry? Or Michael? Or Lillith? Or Allistair or Azazel didn't worry? Am I the only gamepiece on the board who doesn't underestimate those denim-wrapped nightmares?! ♥
Mark Shepard, as always, nails all his lines so perfectly. Crowley sounds genuinely frightened of what the Winchesters can accomplish - though, of course, he is also badass enough to be more or less 'Bring it on!' about the thought of facing off with them. I love that he sees himself and Cas as the new rulers of their respective realms and that he comes running when Cas is trapped. More than anything, what I think I like about Crowley is - like he said: "I know what I am." He seems more what-you-see-is-what-you-get than your garden variety demon. Like, he can't be bothered to put on a show. Yeah, he lies, but he's more a smooth-criminal, Neal Caffrey kind of a liar than a snake-in-the-grass, bite-you-on-the-ass kind of liar like Ruby.
Plus, he turned Hell with all its meat hooks into one long, endless line :p Because "nobody likes to wait in line." How can anyone not think him awesome? (lol)
Sam's emo-ness was awesome in this episode, as well. I went all "awww" at his troubled concern that Cas had brought him back from Hell soulless on purpose. And I raised a brow at his "I'd die for the guy" and Dean's "That makes you Lois Lane." I liked that entire scene, but to a slash-fan like me, the whole thing was a stick poked into the ribs of my Muse. Repeatedly.
Some more things I loved about the ep:
♥ demon!Bobby
♥ Raphael's choice in venue for his first meeting with Cas, post-non!Apocalypse :D Hee hee!
♥ the awesome way Cas took out those two demons at Elworth's place
♥ scary!angry!Cas, confronting Crowley in his den
♥ We can twist again... All the way to next summer. :D
♥ Buddy boy, you've got sex appeal. That dynamic I mentioned before... Could so easily be slashy.
♥ Cas's narration! So much dry humor.
♥ After all, they taught me to stand up. What to stand for. And what generally happens when you do. &hearts
This was just a great week of tv, period. Chuck vs. Agent X was surprising, fascinating, funny, and heartbreaking all at once. I want to see more of that little old lady! Breaking In's Take the Movie and Run wasn't as funny as previous episodes, but it still had its great moments. I'd love it for the scene with Michael Rosenbaum dressed as Xena's lover alone :p And, of course, NCIS's Baltimore rocked. Vintage Gibbs and DiNozzo! The origin of Tony's Mighty Mouse stapler! The return of ER's Dr.- Oh, yeah. He wasn't a doctor in this :p But, anyway, I like the actor who played Tony's ex-partner. And The Vampire Diaries' The Sun Also Rises was shocking and touching and a great ride, all the way through. I'm looking forward to that finale, almost as much as I look forward to