White Collar, Inception, and Supernatural Fic Recs

Mar 05, 2011 20:38

White Collar Fic Recs


The End of My Heart's Endeavor
by elrhiarhodan


“Monday night or early Tuesday morning.”

Peter was confused. “How did they get to him? He was in lockdown, solitary.” He was paralyzed by the images of Neal as other convicts took turns brutalizing him. “Who paid off the guards?”

“Peter, I’m sorry. But it wasn’t an attack. He left you a note.”

Jones pulled something from his breast pocket and in a part of his brain that wasn’t screaming no, no, no, he noticed how Clinton’s hands were shaking.

Jeffrey Nullier's 'Man With Fedora'
by sam-storyteller

"What? You should be flattered, your mouth's worth like ninety grand. Wait, not like that..."

Life Imitates Art
by daria234

"I am your picture of Dorian Gray, mon cherie..."

Happy Place
by kriadydragon

"You're a good friend, Peter. Pete, Petey. Hey, can I call you Petey?"

"If you want to die young, then yes," Peter said lightly.

by silver_dragon24

“Diana, where are they?”

Diana’s expression hardens, and then wilts and it’s a sight that nearly breaks him.

“Boss,” she murmurs, looking back to the building.

Peter follows her gaze and the screaming in his head goes quiet.


by blueraccoon

"So arrest me," Neal said. "Oh, wait. You promised me immunity." He grinned.

Playing to the Firmament

That had been the moment Peter realized who they were dealing with, when the documents came back... Neal was making a statemet.

As Peter approached the prison, he thought to himself, Neal's never gonna stop making statement. And the whole world felt chilly and ominous.

The Intracacies of Trust
by daria234

They each have one question to ask. They can only answer with truth.


They certainly never use the word "metaphor".

Just Like In The Movies

Peter knows everything about Neal. How did he not know this?

Blind Dates
by captanddeastar

"I've got to ask... Is Elizabeth okay with this?"


Note by Note

Better luck next time. You look smarter than the rest. - NC

Peter/Neal/Elizabeth by lionessvalenti

Bought & Paid For Fantasy

"We want to, though." She glanced up at Peter. "Don't we, honey?"

The First Kiss Goodbye

"There isn't any happiness in endings," Kate said.

Neal shrugged. "Depends on the ending."

We Are Still What We Used To Be

"Well, I was the one that got away. Until that time I didn't."

Flowers Are Easy

"No! Be mad!" She could see him backpedaling in fear of invalidating her feelings. "It's not their business and I'm not some used car."

In This Moment

"I have to tell you," Neal says, his voice growing serious, "I'm in love with your wife."

Like A Promise

"I don't get it," Neal replies. "You're nails when you're undercover, but you can't look the other way when you're not directly speaking to me?"


I Rob, I Cheat, I Steal (And I Just Don't Get Any Respect)

White Collar/Leverage

White Collar/DCU

"I don't care! We do not handcuff suspicious people and beat the tar out of them before calling the authorities!"

"Oh, I'm sure he's not handcuffed anymore, are you Neal?"

Neal grinned as he noticed the other man who'd come into the security room with the stranger. "Ah Peter. You know me so well." He raised a hand to wave in greeting, revealing that the cuffs that had been restraining him were completely undone and dangling harmlessly from his thumb. "How are you?"


Work and Play
by misura

Tim nods. "Nothing funny about having some pictures of your kids."

Inception Fic Recs

Gen and Het


It wasn't Dom who married Mal.


by allothi

The great thing about dreams is that you don't look at things closely. You don't have to look... You just know what they are.

The Hostage Trilogy
by alchemyalice

"You've watched me die before, Arthur."


"You shouldn't have to die alone."

Remember When You Loved
by zombie_armor

It's something so old, so ancient, you barely remember it.

The Deception Curve
by amfiguree

For as long as he can remember, his priorities have been the job first, Cobb second, and self-preservation an optional third.

When he says, "Everything's fine, Cobb," he wonders when all of that changed.

As Dreamers Do
by amfiguree

Five ways they didn't meet each other. (And one way they did.)

All the Pretty Horses
by amfiguree

Taking that first step is a mistake; and Arthur breaks away when he sees a quicksilver flash of blood on his hands.

What a Lovely Way to Burn
by dreamlittleyo and leonidaslion

“But maybe he has a secret or two ferreted away somewhere after all. I suppose it might be worthwhile to take him apart and find out. What do you think... Do you have a desire tucked away beneath your kneecap? Is there a nightmare in your spine?”

by hope_calaris

He trusts them all without a doubt. He trusts that Arthur will keep an eye out for him and barrel down doors if necessary; he trusts that Cobb will get what they need to complete the job and that he’s done putting them all at risks; he trusts Ariadne to build breathtaking levels and to get drunk with him afterwards and never share one of his many spilled secrets.

“Shit,” he breathes. He’s screwed.

by coldthermistor

Ariadne swallowed, remembering the projection. The almost complete lack of expression on his face when he shot her. The sharp feeling of impact. The shock of blood and pain.

“So…they’re not talking to each other?”

Eames blinked, and then shook his head. “Oh, no. No. It’s not that at all. You see, Ariadne, Arthur… Arthur is dead.”

If Only For a Moment I Could
by zombie_armor

“So what is it?”

“I’ve lived two lifetimes in that place, Arthur. That second time around, it made me realize something.”


Cobb gives him no verbal response, and instead, he just stares, his gaze wistful.

Memories Caught in Still-Life
by orange_shrapnel

There are 183 of them - 183 photos of Arthur.

No Need For
by orange_shrapnel

Sometimes you just have to put your finger on the trigger and hope for the best.

That Which You Have Waited For
by zombie_armor

"Cobb. What did he say?"

Arthur slips off his jacket and carefully drapes it over the back of the chair before rolling up his sleeves. "He didn't say anything."


Til Death Do Us Part (And That Seems To Be A Lot Sooner Than You'd Think)
by chocolashe

"Still alive out there, baby?"

Maybe You and I Will Fall In Love
by traincar

The blow Arthur deals to his face doesn’t surprise him. The fact that he sticks around after that does.

Don't Fall in Love With a Dreamer

Arthur joins the mile-high club, Dom joins the broken-hearts club, and Eames tries to figure what all of this means.

Love Grows (Where Cobb Goes)

"You left me."

Supernatural Fic Recs

Some (Don't) Like It Hot
by strangeandcharm

Dean/Cas, Sam/Cas, and Dean/Cas/Sam (sorta). The aftermath of tangling with a succubus.

One Brick at a Time
by nutkin

He can feel the tiny thread of tension in the air, some invisible thing that hangs there between him and Sam, connecting them.

It almost feels like the old days, when unspoken agreements happened a dozen times a day.

My Charade is The Event of the Year
by amory_vain

His hands are tied now (both literally and figuratively) and knowing Crowley's sense of irony, it's probably with his own silk necktie. (Crowley/Brady)

neal/peter, sam/castiel, rec: white collar, threesome, rec: inception, dean/cas/sam, pair: arthur/dom, rec: spn, pair: arthur/eames, rec: fic, dean/castiel

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