Masterpost 05

Aug 03, 2010 19:25

My Comment Fic Entries for July:

Sake-Bombing Angels (Suck at Karaoke): SPN, Dean + Cas + Sam + Bobby, PG

Hasbro Don’t Make Nukes: Chuck, Chuck + Casey, G

The Zombie Apocalypse Job: Supernatural/NCIS/Psych/Leverage, Rufus + Ellen + Others, G

What Petty Follies They Themselves Commit: SPN, Dean/Cas, PG

…Is Not Rendered Harmless: SPN, Dean/Cas, G

So Together They Did: SPN, Dean/Cas, PG

Where Angels Fear to Tread: SPN, Dean/Cas, G

Counting Scars: NCIS/SPN, Tony/Dean, PG

In Love & War: Smallville/Supernatural, Lex/Sam, PG

A Penny for Your Thoughts: NCIS, Tony/Tim, Tim can read everybody's thoughts... but Tony's.

I Need A Pound Of Rock Salt...: Supernatural, always-been-a-girl!Adam + Sam + Dean

What Happens In The Black...: Firefly, Gen; River has taken to calling Kaylee her sister. It has folks a mite confused.

One-of-a-Kind Dad: Supernatural, Gen, So what if sometimes Ben pretends that Dean is his dad?

Me, My...: Supernatural, Dean + Sam + The End!Dean +

BFF (Busting Faces for Friendship): CWRPF, Misha + Jared + Jensen

No Talking Famous North American Criminal Geniuses...: Despicable Me, Gen

The Nose Stud Was the Final Straw: Supernatural, Gen, Sam goes goth.

Human BehaviorLeverage/SPN, Parker + Alec + Cas

Rock Salt, Guns, And Talking Cars: Supernatural/Transformers, Dean Winchester/Sam Witwicki

My Comment Fic Prompts for July:

♥ Smallville, always-been-a-girl!Clark/Lex, everybody thinks she and Lex are doing things they shouldn't (and oh how Clark wishes they were)

♥ Smallville, always-been-a-girl!Lex/Clark, He may be younger and less sophisticated than the men Lex are used to seeing, but Clark knows that he's the one for her - he just has to convince everyone else.

♥ NCIS, always-been-female!Gibbs/Ony, "Tony, this is Special Agent Lenore Gibbs. Gibbs, this is Detective Anthony DiNozzo of the Baltimore PD. You two will be working on this case together."

♥ White Collar, Peter Burke/Nia Caffrey (always-been-a-girl!Neal), Detective Burke's entire, lonely life consisted of his job...until his job brought Nia Caffrey into his life. Read neirethima's response, These Things Just Happen, here.

♥ White Collar, Neal Caffrey/Pieta Burke (always-been-a-girl!Peter), She's the only one who's ever managed to catch Neal (twice). Read neirethima's response here.

♥ White Collar, Neal/Daniel (always-been-a-man!Diana), "This isn't the United States' military. We don't ask; we don't care."

♥ Angel, Angel/always-been-a-girl!Wesley, Angel is torn between Wesley and Buffy. Read trillianastra's response here.

♥ Psych, Shawn/Gus, Shawn has always been female

♥ Jennifer's Body, Chip/Needy/Cullen, instead of going out with Jennifer he spent that night with Needy and Chip

♥ SPN, Crowley + Team Free Will; with the devil and his most faithful gone, the demons can't keep track of what's what so Bobby's able to make all sorts of deals without losing any more of his soul (which is still in Crowley's safe-keeping) and Crowley asks the others to make him stop

♥ SPN/BtVS, Ash/Faith + others at the Roadhouse, "Dude, they dob't make any kind of sense as a couple, but it seems to work.

♥ Chuck, any, Devon and Ellie's kids have the most awesome family ever - they're always saying so

♥ Psych, Shawn & Gus, "Excuse me? I beg your pardon, but Gus and I are actually brothers."

♥ Smallville (/any - can be a crossover), Lex + any, the moment he realizes he has a family that has nothing to do with blood or money

♥ NCIS, Vance, He'd known he could use Gibbs' team's unusual closeness to the department's advantage; he hadn't expected to be accepted into that team. Read daria234's response here.

♥ Angel, the AI crew, they take Connor to a family fun park and Cordy tries to get them the family discount

♥ SPN, any, Chuck published more books after "The Real..." And Lucifer insists being part of the book tour

♥ SPN, the boys, the books get turned into a tv show - the boys object to who gets cast as them

♥ Dark Angel/Supernatural, Alec/Sam or Dean, he was behaving himself until Alec went into heat

♥ Jennifer's Body/Supernatural, Needy/Sam and/or Dean, humans with demon powers.

♥ White Collar (can be /Supernatural if you like), any, the "people" who want the music box are actually demons

♥ Psych (can be /Supernatural if you like), Shawn + Gus, Shawn has always genuinely been psychic; when the reality of demons and witches (etc) comes out, hate crimes against psychics and the like increase

♥ Psych/Supernatural, any, The YED had thought that Shawn would be one of his most powerful children; he hadn't figured on one thing: Gus.

♥ Psych, any, Lassiter somehow develops psychic abilities but is too embarassed to own up to them.

♥ CWRPS, J2 + past Jared/Bon Jovi, Jensen is awed when he finds out Jared had a fling with Bon Jovi on the set of Cry_Wolf

♥ Dollhouse, Wes!Parin/Faith!Echo, Wes has recovered his true memories while Faith has not; they each take care of the other as they run for their lives

♥ Dollhouse, Wes!Parin/Whiskey, He saves Whiskey, thinking she is Fred, from the Dollhouse

♥ Supernatural, Sam/Adam (and/or Lucifer/Michael if you like), "You got me locked in a Hell Cage forever... how are you gonna make it up to me?"

♥ Dean/Lisa + Ben, how they helped him start to heal

♥ Smallville, Lex/any, he isn't used to providing comfort

♥ Supernatural, Sam/Dean, lyrics from "Backwards Walk" by Frightened Rabbit: I'm working on drawing a straight line / and I'll draw until I've got one right / it's dark and bold... can't you see? / I done drawn a line between you and me. I'm working on erasing you / I just don't have the proper tools...

♥ Angel, Wes, Korn's "Coming Undone": Keep holdin' on when / My brain's tickin' like a bomb / Guess the black thoughts have / Come again to get me…

♥ Smallville, Clark/Lex, “Passive” by Perfect Circle: Ever the optimistic one / I'm sure of your ability / To become my perfect enemy…

♥ Chuck, Bryce/Chuck, Fall Out Boy‘s “Sugar We‘re Going Down Swinging”: Am I more than you bargained for yet... / We're going down, down... / And, Sugar, we're going down swinging

♥ Supernatural, Dean/Cas, “Carry Me Through” by Superchick: And if I had to crawl / you would crawl too / I stumble and I fall / you

In this segment:

♥ Angels & Karaoke
♥ Rufus Calls in the Cavalry
♥ mini-Casey
♥ Tony/Dean
♥ Lex/Sam
♥ Dean/Cas
♥ telepathic!Tim
♥ daddy!Dean
♥ girl!Adam on the Road
♥ River Confuses People
♥ an Appearance by The End!Dean and The End!Cas
♥ goth!Sam
♥ Despicable Me
♥ SPN/Transformers
♥ Parker & Hardison & Cas on the Couch
♥ genderswap AtS and White Collar
♥ a Sentimental Leon Vance

comment fic: july 10, comment_fic

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