Get Your Head In The Game - Supernatural/Chuck - PG13 Pre-Slash

May 09, 2009 23:52

Title: Get Your Head In The Game
Author: nevcolleil
Fandom(s), Pairing(s): Supernatural/Chuck, Sam/Chuck pre-slash
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 500
Disclaimer: None of the characters from either show belong to me.
Author's Note: For slashthedrabble. As much as I love the Chuck who actually appeared in The Monster At The End of This Book, I couldn't help but wonder: What would happen if those prophecies had been sent to a different Chuck.

It's bizarre enough that they've got a real-life prophet writing their life story like it's scripture.

The Big Guy could've made things easier by choosing somebody a little more... prophet-like. Some plain-Jane Bible Buddy with a crucifix on his wall and a statue of the virgin Mary by his bed. Holy folk are boring as crap but generally uncomplicated (when they aren't playing with reapers or haunting parishes).

But instead they got a super-geek with a poster of Tron hanging next to his door. To whom, apparently, the thought of writing down the visions he's been receiving through dreams for the last four years, like a frickin' normal person, had never occurred.

Dean scowls at the game controller in his hands. "This is wrong on so many levels," he says as Wii!Dean is torn to bits by computer-generated hellhounds inside Chuck's television.

"I don't know. I think it's pretty awesome," Sam says. He misses the dark look Dean sends him because he's busy kicking ass on his side of the split screen.

"By Supernatural III the games get pretty battle-heavy," Chuck is telling them, like they didn't live through those same battles. "You have to have codes to access the plot sequences. My distributor thought some of the… more unorthodox plot developments would be hard to market.”

If unorthodox means strange as hell? Yeah, Dean is right there with him. His and Sam’s lives are stranger than fiction. But…

“Plot?” Dean says, tossing his controller aside. “Since when do video games have a plot?”

Chuck and Sam both look at Dean like he’s grown a third head.

“The best video games-” they simultaneously begin, and then look at each other with goofy grins.

“-are the ones that tell a story,” Sam continues with a nod from Chuck. “Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry…”

“Bioshock,” Chuck adds and there is more grinning.

Dean shakes his head. If Sam has some kind of geek-mance brewing with this goober, Dean isn’t gonna make a scene. But Sam is so never living it down if he gets it on with a prophet before they leave Burbank.

“I may cry if we have to dealwith any more of this.” Dean gestures at the game system. “Seriously, dude. What the fuck?” he asks Chuck.

The prophetic video game designer looks sheepish. “It’s… all I really know how to do. I’m not much of a writer. But programs- I could write a gaming program in my sleep.”

And obviously has, ‘cause Wii!Dean should have been way more buff than Wii!Sam, but from looking at the images on Chuck’s TV screen you’d never know it.

Considering the goo-goo eyes Chuck is giving Dean’s baby brother? Dean doesn’t really want to think about the reasons.

There had just better not be a plot sequence on this video game about Chuck macking on his brother. Having a prophet is kinda cool once you get past the geek-factor and Dean’s non-existent gaming skills.

Dean would really hate to have to kill him.


fic: crossover: chuck/supernatural, slash, fic: spn, crossover, fic: chuck, slashthedrabble, fic: crossover

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