Userpic Meme

May 09, 2008 14:34

From winterlive's journal:

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick four/five of your userpics.
2. Make a post and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee.






1. ...and I did it well.

I'm glad she picked a Wes icon off of my list because there'd be something wrong if a summation of my appreciation of fandom didn't include him in some way :p I absolutely love this icon for all sorts of visual reasons, but the message appeals to me most of all. Wes was a fine product of the Watcher's Academy. Pity they didn't see that and, in fact, fired his lovely ass - even tried to kill him. The keyword is a quote from Lineage, spoken by Wesley to his father: "I did everything you ever asked of me and I did it well." He did and he so did.

2. no squashing

Heh :p This is one of my favorite icons. I think it's the perfect friending icon because - whether you're the kitty or the bug - making new friends makes you feel a little open and vulnerable. You never know, when you start pawing at the idea of friendship, what you're going to get back. Plus, kittens rule. And my son has a thing for squashing ladybugs :( On every other page of his picture journal his illustration of himself is squashing a ladybug (sometimes two). I don't know what this says about him and/or my parenting ability. Counseling may be needed.

3. my (anti)hero

Oh, I love Lex so much more than Clark :p No offense to the big lunk, but Michael Rosenbaum was never going to be my second choice - he's just too awesome. Plus, he actually makes the bald thing hot and who would have guessed, huh? I haven't watched much of the show, but whenever I do, I get the same impression: Lex as the Heathcliffe to Clark's Catherine, gone bad with longing and jealousy and Clark as the George to Lex's Lenny. That's a grab bag of allusions there, but it works for me :p

4. talking smack

I loved Ruby's "blood in my ear" quote in Jus In Belo. She's so incredibly blase about the demonic/killing/gore thing. Makes me shake my head at Sam in Long Distance because - honestly - how can he be surprised that she turned out to be less than honest with him? Swallowing a bit of splattering entrails is like swallowing a bug to her - an unpleasant but entirely reasonable happenstance.

5. demon jesus

I love Sam. I believe in the goodness of Sam. I am wary of Sam's campaign to become "more like Dean" because Dean became who he is for the very purpose of allowing Sam to be Sam.

But that having been said... Sam is one increasingly scary son-of-a-bitch. I'm sorry - he is. Dean lets it show more often and both boys are capable of being ruthless (even cruel). But Dean- If Dean hadn't been able to bring Sam back at the end of All Hell Breaks Loose, that would have been the end of Dean. I believe that completely. Dean would have been a frightening force to be reckoned with... for the incredibly brief period of time it took him to attract Azazel's attention and kill the demon and/or die trying. But it would have ended with that. Dean can't live without Sam. We know from Mystery Spot that Sam can live without Dean. But only as the creepiest possible shadow of himself. It's a testament to how creepy I found Sam to be in that episode that even the otherwise unbearably hot shots of him half-naked in that episode did nothing but ring my little Warning-Danger-Back-Away bells.

Well. Maybe not nothing. Creepy/ambiguously-evil!Sam is still kinda hot. But full-blown DemonJesus!Sam? (Especially if he took over the evil-minion leading as part of a bargain to save Dean's soul?) Nice. Hence my use of the icon.

tv talk: spn, meme, fandom talk, smallville, tv talk: other, icon talk, tv talk: ats

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