Let's get on home before we run out of gas...

Feb 03, 2007 13:32

For the 'Rolling Stones Song Titles' prompt at slashthedrabble:

Title: You Can’t Catch Me
Fandom: Catch Me If You Can
Pairing: Carl Hanraty/Frank Abernathy
Rating: G
Spoilers: the full movie
Wordcount: 100w

Funny thing, chasing. You get all caught up… chasing something - someone. Sometimes you don’t know what to do once you’ve caught it. Or worse - it catches you.

Seems like Carl oughtta know when he crossed that line, but he doesn’t.

Just knows that - after Marseilles - there’s no way he can take that boy down. Can’t bear the thought of anybody else taking him in. He’s gotta take care of Frank Abernathy himself - take all that running and give it a finish line. Give Frank something to stick around for and hope to God it’s enough for the both of them.

g, rare slash, slashthedrabble, fic: other

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