Nov 27, 2004 16:23
Yesturday was Black Friday! The biggest shopping day of the whole year! And guess what I did yesturday! I got up at 4:37AM and went shopping! Heheh! We got to the stores around 5:30, and it was packed, after we were checked out the lines were like a 4 hour wait, Gosh. But I got some cool sweaters and shoes, so its all good! Anywho then I went with my mom shopping at DSW and some other places!
Then that night I went to Micah's house and we saw the Polar Express with Matt and his cousin, Kariann!, and Melissa. Hah Micah and I thought it was pretty good, it was cute in some parts, but Matt and Kariann were laughin the the whole time, because Matt kept falling asleep!
I saw alot of people I knew at the moves, I saw Ashley Bogart, Sharilyn, Derdra[spelling], and some other people!
Anywho when we got home, [ Micah's house ]...We decided to go to a turkey shoot, haha! I SHOT SOMETHING WITH A GUN! can you believe it? Me, shooting something, I was so scared, I was seriously shaking, they were making fun of me, but guess what!! I shot the TARGET! Yeah Yeah! Go me, hehe I didnt win but I shot something, atleast..Hahha! What an experience... Uhm, Kyle Miller, Megan Cam, and Steph, and Sam was there with us! It was fun, i suppose :P you gotta experience it, ahah!
Uhm, then we got home around 11:30pm, and played Tetris, all of Sam's friends were over, Kyle's funny hehehe! He made me laugh all night xD
Then Micah and I got up this morning at 9 am! and got ready for the Carwash at Walmart, in the freezing cold! IT was crazy but we made like 400 dollars, and its spilt up to those who helped out.
Ohhh Shannon Shannon! My friend thats a boy called, heh... ;D
Anywho just got home, so relaxing, and probably finish that history project! Heheh
<3 Allie!!