Google Meme
Go to Google and type your first name + needs and post the first 10 results, then tag 5 people. I'm tagging kimisutra, kitten_grrl, feistydivawitch, julie, and soul in flames, but no one should feel any obligation to actually do this. And anyone not tagged, steal at will.
1. Beth needs to come chill. I think I just need to chill in general.
2. Beth needs it so it will be done. Is this kind of like, '"If you build it, they will come?"
3. Beth needs to look within at what she is believing about her weight, food, and exercise. Geesh...this one is dead on. I've actually been thinking about the healthy thing a lot lately.
4. Beth needs teeth. Heh...I need BETTER teeth! If I LOOK at sugar I get a cavity.
5. Beth needs to stop it already with the lies. I'm not much of a liar, since my face gives everything away.
6. Beth needs a first-floor bedroom. The only advantage to a 1st floor bedrooom in my eyes is the lack of floor squeaking. I suppose it's n/a for me since I'm in a split ranch and there really isn't a "first floor."
7. Beth needs a hobby. Better yet, I need to pursue more often the hobbies that I enjoy.
8. Beth needs to call a Psychic! Heh...something I've never done before.
9. Beth needs to see Dr. Phil. LOL. I imagine he'd say something like, "Oh just get over it...all of it."
10. Beth needs a helping hand. After #9, it stopped hitting all the exact words but this was a part of one a few links down. But don't we all need a helping hand sometimes?