So yea, I witnessed my first birth last night, well this morning technically. Daishawn Anthony Sanchez was born at 3:11 on 03/30/09 weighing 7lbs3ounces.
Xio had her baby!! Woooooo!!
EDIT:: She changed the name. The godmother Elizabeth is thinking of the middle name but she is naming him D'Anthony _______ Holder (her fiances last name).
I have never seen or been a part of anything like that. Xio was amazing. When I got there I saw Xio and her room full of people all of whom promptly left when I arrived. I felt like the damn plague, none of em like me. Pfft. So yea, she was only 4 cms dialated so they gave her bunches of stuff and me and her sis came back here to get stuff for her and then we went back. Still only 4 cms. So we wait, she goes thru many contractions, and around 9pm (about 10 hours after I got there) She started having really bad contractions and was 8cms. She cried and screamed and breathed through them and the doctors came and gave her a second epideral. In the middle of her contractions i tripped once and dropped something. She said "your not holding my baby" lol. The epideral didn't help so they came and gave her the medicine you are supposed to get for a C section but she was doing natural birth. It was just because they didnt know what else to do. She passed out. Me and steph ran(well we ran to the car) to my house to get some food and gas money. So we run back and she still isnt seeing visitors. So her mom goes to check and she said she felt like she had to poop. The magic word. She was 10 cm. The magic number.
So we go in and she tries to push. I hold one leg, steph has the other, her mom and friend Elizabeth have her head. It smelled like period blood which makes sense because your period is eggs. She pushes and pushes and gets him close but not under the pelvic bone. She gave up, said it was too hard and was screaming for help. It made me feel so helpless because we couldn't help. So the doctor gives her another dose of pain medicine and she lays and tries to be strong thru the contractions. The doctor said the contractions would help to push him down if she was relaxed. xio was saying she wanted a C section but it was too late. So we pumped her up to try again. And she did. I was sooooo excited when I first saw his hair, black and curly and oh so bloody. Then it got sucked back in. So she does it again, and he came out and back in. But the fact that we were seeing him motivated her. So she does it again and he doesn't go all the way back in, he kinda just had his head poking out from her... lips. lol. So one more contraction and he was out. Daishawn Anthony Sanchez.
As soon as we all saw him all of us cried. Her mom cut the umbilical cord and sprayed blood everywhere cause she did it wrong. lol. The baby went on the warmer and everyone was crowded around trying to see but someone still had to hold Xios legs up while they cleaned up the blood and checked her for tears and the afterbirth. So me and Angel hold her legs. Angel was on the side with the warmer so she was looking at her new nephew and I was watching what the doctors were doing with xio because I couldnt see the baby with the crowd around him and because I want to have a baby and want to see what's going on. So I watch, they made her push out the afterbirth... now THAT is nasty. The doctor held a bucket and a flood of blood and a sac came out. It made a wierd gushing noise as it ploped in the bucket. The the doctor stuck her fist in xios vagina and pushed on her stomach to pump out everything. Then she checked for tears. There was a tiny one so the nurse got a needle and thread and held the needle with what looked like a long pair of scissors and sewed her up. Xio didnt seem to even feel it. So then they cleaned her up and Xiomara is no longer pregnant. :)
Meanwhile, with the baby... Daishawn cried as soon as they cleaned his mouth but then wouldn't get annoyed by the nurses messing with him and cry again. He was just... content. He didn't care. The nurses wanted him to cry again but he only did a tiny whine once. so they said theyd check him out in the nursery and let Xio hold her baby. There was tears and pictures and she didn't want to let go but Angel had seconds. lol. So she gave him to his Ti Ti and then to Wela. Then I think to Elizabeth but I was congradulating Xio so I dunno. All I remember was Xios Mom asking me if I wanted to hold him. :) :) HELL YEA!!
I looked at Xio and she said "Let Barbara hold him" soooo I sat down. lol. I didn't wanna freak out the first time I held him and drop him. They handed him to me and he was so easy to hold. Not like other squirmy newborns just observant and calm. He looked at me and studied my face and tried to wiggle his little hand out of the cocoon the nurses wrapped him up in. He looked like he was reaching for me. I kissed him and kissed him and he did a lil almost open mouth smile. SOO ADORABLE!
Then I got up and gave him back to Xio. Then the nurses took him to the nursery and we moved xios stuff from the delivery room to the after room. Shes gonna be there till Wednesday. Me and steph went home to sleep at 630am and passed by the nursery. He was in there cryin at the other babies because he couldnt sleep. He would cry and look at them and stick his lower lip out. Then cryyyy and yawn. lol.
I'm gonna go see them (Xio and Daishawn) again today. :)