Jun 13, 2010 20:41

I need a BBB break and my roommate has played the same riff for an hour now.  Which I'd still be okay with if the water wasn't running behind me and the radio wasn't playing on my other side in a different key.


So let's start off how this ran around, another dear friend, redsnake05 who has her own amazing BBB out right now, asked me in the comments about who she would be:

nev_longbottom :  The Butcher! Because I always think of you as artistic with kind eyes, not like, topless or anything.

and look! A picture where the Butcher is actually wearing clothes!  And while he looks like an REI/Tidal Wave Anchorage, Alaska hipster, he's still the artsy hipster of my heart.

and I figured, while I'm here, let's revisit the Academy!

Like Carden!  silentdescant  has this enthusiasm and focus that is amazing!  Finger's in all kind of pies and, more importantly, when she's angry she has Carden eyes.  Her rage is so strong, I can feel the hyperbeams charging from my Russia-watching spot.

This is silentdescant :

This is silentdescant  before the smiting:

Scary shit, am I right?  Good thing Sisky Biz (delphinapterus ) can defend us!  Always kind and enthusiastic. With a very cool sense of humor.

And fleurdeliser  makes a killer awesome Chiz.  Let's be honest here, fleur totally sweeps in and saves the day all the fucking time!

This could explain how s/he knows Butch Walker philosiraptors .

What? HOW DID PETE skoosiepants  knows everyone ever?

You know who else knows everyone ever?  impertinence  because she's Rihanna.

She's enthusiastic and she's got all this talent!  She stands up for people's rights and she really cares about walking the walk.  She dotes on ladies of win just as much as she does to boys of flail.  Who doesn't love that?

No really! Between her, just_katarin , angelsaves and minna   they kind of fill out a tiny section of the RaPS part of Island Def Jam.

What with just_katarin  kind of being Kanye....

...and angelsaves  being Beyonce ....

and minna rounding off with her Jay-Zness and all. 

It's magical how she can make a Yankee Cap more famous than a Yankee can, am I right?

TUNE IN NEXT TIME  FOR MORE META.  Like Wives (who are public in their own right) and 16 candles!verse and general ridiculousness.  DOn't mind me, I'm just the naked guy with the pineapple.  You know, metaphorically speaking.

bandom, raps, meta, tai

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