For mortuary

Apr 19, 2010 07:24

FANDOM: Persona
PROMPT: 'something Persona-related'


A sharp curse came from across the room, cutting through the digitised noises of gunfire and swordplay. It was extremely tempting, with a detective's curiousity, to look up and investigate what precisely had caused that outburst - and really, senpai, must you use words like that? - but Naoto stayed focused on her screen, not turning her head or even blinking until the current mob of enemies was slain. It was rather hard to focus with the constant whispering of "shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, fuck" a few feet away, but Naoto did her best to pay no heed until she had leaned back, wiped her brow with a satisfied sigh, and silently glanced over.

Yosuke was as she'd left him, last time she looked over; sitting on the floor with his laptop deposited on the coffee table, groaning in defeat as his avatar hid in critical condition on the opposite side of the arena. Naoto hit the button to holster her pistols in-game - a trivial animation, she knew, but she felt it gave the entire experience a sense of realism - and crossed over to heal Yosuke. Yet again.

"Really, senpai," she murmured, keeping her gaze steady as he got up to stretch. "You know that charging headfirst into battle at this level will only cause situations like this."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." A low grumble, Yosuke crossing the few steps over to her desk to lean on the back of her chair and watch her screen. Despite herself, she felt a low flush of colour briefly burst onto her cheeks. She would have to remind him about the importance of personal space, when Yakushiji-san could come in at any moment and...get the wrong idea. She had already seen glances exchanged between her grandfather and hsi secretary when Yosuke ended up staying the night from a marathon session, and she didn't like how she didn't know what they meant. "I still killed them, right?"

Naoto blinked, coming back from her own thoughts, and tilted her head to look up at him. "Hm? Yes, I suppose so, but we won't have restoratives forever. Such things should really be rationed, Yosuke-senpai."

"Tch. Rationed," Yosuke snorted, a grin spreading across his face. "We're not playing that zombie one anymore, y'know."

"Nevertheless." Naoto allowed herself a small smile. A few more clicks and Yosuke's avatar - a predictably gaudy ninja, which she still found herself utterly unable to comprehend - was fully healed. Yosuke seemed to be staying there, though, gazing blankly at the screen. Naoto shifted uncomfortably, almost able to feel his chest pressing into the back of her head. Where was her hat? "Ah...senpai. May we continue?"

"Huh? Oh, done already?" he said, blinking a few times before nodding, stepping back to drop neatly back onto the floor in front of his laptop. "Man, for a gunner, you've sure got some pretty badass healing skills, Naoto-kun."

Another brief smile, glancing at the side of his head - he was already so focused. She admired that dedication - before returning her attention to the screen. "It's simply part of making a balanced character. Not all of us can put all of our points into offensive skills and get by."

A spluttered protest came from across the room; Naoto hoped he hadn't spat out soda all over the table again. Yakushiji-san had given some very disapproving looks last time. "H-hey! I keep us alive, don't I?"

"I suppose so," she murmured, watching the background scroll by as their characters continued on; Naoto's gunner - black bowler hat, suit and all, as close as she could get to her own - continuing at a sedate pace as Yosuke's ninja jumped backwards and forwards, the boy boredly tapping the button. That reminded her, she was going to write an email to the developers to get some of these worlds to look slightly less similar to one another. Sometimes they really just seemed to blend into one another, to the point where she almost fell asleep.

Though, now she thought about it, that was when Yosuke would declare he'd 'had enough of this crap', get up, and take her out to dinner or some other activity. It had been mere months since Souji-senpai had left, but they'd really been spending a lot of time doing this since then, hadn't they...? Curious. She should think about that more later. At the moment, there was another mob of enemies coming, Yosuke's battle cry already resounding throughout the room as his ninja charged in, disappearing from view every few seconds as the goblin monsters were quickly dispatched. Axes and bows clattered to the ground in rapid succession, Naoto waiting just long enough before triggering her own skills, dispatching the unarmed, unguarded monsters with a few well-placed shots from her double revolvers. The whole affair barely took ten seconds, Naoto allowing herself another satisfied smirk.

A message popped up from a nearby spectator. Apparently, evokedaman thought that was 'h3lla sw33t'. Naoto sent the appropriate response as Yosuke's avatar returned to her, switching around the loot before moving onwards. The process continued for an hour or so, the pair of them positively gaining a following of low-level watchers as they neatly dispatched groups of enemies which would usually take at least five people to do.

"There's nothing quite like real battlefield experience to hone your skills, is there, senpai?" she remarked, earning a short chuckle from Yosuke as they finally saw the gates of town on the horizon, glowing with blue lights and floating orbs. Naoto frowned at one of the floating eyeballs which insisted on hovering a little too close; bad memories. Game designers really had no creativity sometimes.

She wasn't aware that Yosuke had gotten up until his hand was on her head, ruffling her hair, earning an entirely untoward squawk of surprise. That only caused him to laugh harder, of course, Naoto attempting to send a heated glare his way as he leaned forward to snatch up her empty soda can.

"Alright, you think we should call it a night here? My back's kinda killing me," he said, depositing the cans into the bin. Naoto spent a few moments fixing her hair into something slightly more presentable before replying with a curt nod.

"Very well," she said. "Yakushiji-san won't be pleased if you end up falling asleep on the couch again, anyway."

"Chyeah, no kidding. I mean, it's only been...oh. Ten hours."

Naoto blinked, glancing at the clock in the corner of her screen as she saved and exited. Sure enough, ten hours had passed since they had sat down. "Already?"

"That's these games for ya," Yosuke chuckled, stepping back as Naoto rose from her chair, giving low winces as unused muscles fired into action. She really should know better than that, but playing these games with Yosuke-senpai just ended up making the time fly. "I better get home before your butler starts shooting me death glares again."

"Yakushiji-san is a secretary, not a butler," Naoto corrected, leaning over her chair to shut down her computer. She could have sworn she heard some kind of strangled noise from behind her as she bent over, must have just been her ears playing tricks on her. They did that after long sessions sometimes. An instant message from Rise blinked on-screen; she must have forgotten to set herself as 'busy' beforehand. Not that that would have stopped Rise, anyway. She glanced over her shoulder at Yosuke, who seemed to be looking a little flushed. Was it warm in here for him? "'s nearly time for dinner as it is. Would you like to stay? We should have enough for another person."

[15:52] kujikawaii: hey naoto!!!!
[15:52] kujikawaii: kanji wanted me to ask you if you were gonna be coming to junes this sunday? we're all gonna be getting together again and hanging out
[15:53] kujikawaii: except yukikosenpai anyway. she's busy with inn stuff. and souji of course
[16:31] kujikawaii: wait, you're playing those games with yosukesenpai again aren't you?
[16:45] kujikawaii: you totally are! you would have replied by now.
[16:46] kujikawaii: don't get in too much trouble, you two~~~~~

Naoto sighed, tapping out a reply. Behind her, Yosuke seemed to have suddenly gained a stammer, especially when she shifted her footing to spread her legs a little wider for better balance. He really was very strange sometimes.

[18:01] nshirogane: We are about to have dinner, Rise-chan. I'll be sure to pass along your message.
[18:01] kujikawaii: !!!!
[18:01] kujikawaii: I KNEW IT!!!
[18:01] nshirogane: Have a good night, Rise.
nshirogane has logged off.

Naoto turned, straightening up, and motioned towards the door. Rise was really very strange sometimes, too; of course she would have fun playing games with Yosuke. Didn't they always?

"Shall we?" she asked.

"Y-yeah, sure. Thanks, Naoto-kun!" Yosuke replied.

Naoto nodded, turning towards the door, only then noticing her grandfather standing in the door with an oddly sullen expression. She raised an eyebrow at him, mystified as to what could be the matter.

"Ah, grandpa. We were just coming to dinner. I hope you weren't waiting too long...?"

"Not at all," her grandfather replied, glancing between the two. "I've just been here a minute, anyway."

Yosuke gulped, staying at her side as they made their way down the hallway together. For some reason, the atmosphere at dinner seemed very tense...

Ah well. She'd think about that later, too.

writing: fanfic, fandom: persona, writing: drabble

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