Fanfic - Ace Attorney: Overtime

Dec 22, 2009 21:27

For lythdan!

Prompt: Franziska/Ema, late night at the office

The smallest noises, Ema found, tended to sound loud at this time of night in the prosecutor's offce. The coffee machine burbled like it was trying to reach 20 decibels, her heels clicked like gunshots along the hallways as she walked back towards Miss von Karma's office, and when a brief paranoia took over, the low humming of one of those interminable instrumentals that Prosecutor Gavin was always playing escaped from her and sounded far too loud - and, as Franziska would say, foolish - through the empty offices and lobbies. Ema pushed open the door with a thigh, crossing the carpeted floor to set down a cup next to the prosecutor's head. Predictably, the woman didn't look up until she heard the clink of porcelain against oak, giving a cursory nod before returning to the paperwork. Ema sighed, circling the desk to take a seat on the opposite side, glancing over the paperwork again. There really was a lot of it, enough to make her sigh again, raising the rim of the mug to her lips.

"Stop that foolish sighing, Ema Skye. I had told you that we are not returning home until we have found a hole in your foolish Mister Justice's case," Franziska said, without looking up. "Where was the victim before the time of the murder?"

"Bouncing Bagels," Ema recited, tiredly; she took a sip of coffee before continuing. "He stayed there from 10 until 11:45; the employees confirm it. From there, he started walking home along the main street, until..."

The detective trailed off, Franziska only raising her head again after a few moments of odd sound preceding the silence; she had taken out that bag of foolish snacks again, munching away as she stared off to the side, almost frowning. Franziska glared, smacking a fist against the table.


Ema jolted, then glared right back; Franziska relented a little, leaning back in her seat with a smirk. Detective Skye, for all her foolish snacking and complaints about that piano man, was not one that backed down from a challenge. She had to respect that.

Ema stared for a good few seconds before continuing. "Until the accused allegedly accosted him in an alley and struck him twice in the back of the head with a lead pipe. And he's not my Mister Justice."

Franziska was about to proceed with the review when that last comment gave her pause. She had never been too interested in that kind of thing, but revealing testimony was still just that. Occasionally, you had to let someone dig their own grave. She laced her fingers together, elbows resting on the table. "Oh?"

Ema folded her arms, smirking back. Another thing Franziska respected was how sometimes, Ema was not so easily taken in. "Miss Misham may have something to say about that."

"A foolish fool of a girl foolishly pursuing an even more foolish fool in the hopes of conducting even more foolish foolery with the fool," Franziska countered, returning to her work. "It is not worth your time, Ema Skye. Not when there is a case to perfectly present."

Minutes passed, Franziska taking periodic sips of coffee, before another interruption presented itself in the form of steady, irritating munching. The prosecutor exhaled sharply, her head snapping up; sure enough, Ema Skye was chewing on those foolish chocolate snacks again, gazing off at her bookshelf. Franziska brought a fist down on the table.

"Is there something else you would rather be doing, Ema Skye?!" she snapped.

Ema glared back heatedly. "Yes, actually! It's almost midnight, and I'd like to leave! I'm tired, Franziska!"

A wicked thought flashed across Franziska's mind, the woman smirking as she rose from her desk. Truth be told, she was rather tired as well, and some other...necessities were making themselves known. "Is that right?"

"Yes," Ema said. Franziska found herself noticing the similarities between her and Apollo Justice; the same colour of hair, the same deep brown eyes, the same heated stare they gained when they were truly riled. She thought back to what she had done the last time Apollo Justice attempted to turn that onto her, and her smirk grew wider.

Franziska took three, precise, perfect steps forward until she was right in front of Ema; a sardonic quip died on the detective's lips as a gloved hand reached down to cup her chin, tilting her head upwards as she leaned in close, lips almost brushing, but not quite.

"Well, Detective Ema Skye," Franziska murmured. "I believe I know of a way that may convince you to stay..."

Ema swallowed, staring back, fighting to keep her cool despite the rush of blood to her face. "...F-Franziska?"

"Allow me the liberty," Franziska said, closing the distance. Ema closed her eyes, a low shiver going through her whole body; that, in fact, hadn't been what she'd expected at all. Scientifically speaking, it was...mmmm.

The next morning, Apollo was extremely surprised at how fervent Ema was in defending the prosecution's case, barely managing to pull through until recess against Prosecutor von Karma's relentless onslaught. He wiped his brow as Phoenix joined them, Trucy bouncing on her heels at his side.

"Mister Wright, that was..." he managed. "Is she always like that?"

"Not usually," Phoenix said, nonchalantly. "She must have gotten laid."

Ema glanced up from her paperwork as the strangled yelp of surprise reverberated through the courtroom, but soon returned to it. Franziska, after all, very much appreciated a job well done.

writing: fanfic, fandom: apollo justice, fandom: phoenix wright

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