I'll be yours truly unbelievable

Oct 30, 2009 17:38

Oh, Internet.

Feeling much better, too! Drive to write is back, RPing is going well, friends are back on track and I finally, finally finished Dragon Quest VIII after leaving it for about seven months. The urge to play the protag is...worrying. I'd really want a cast to play him off, though, and that's about as likely as a golden penguin.

Fallout 3 continues to amuse. Only in the Wasteland can ruthlessly murdering an entire town give you Good Karma, simply because they were slave-traders. Apparently there was an entire sub-quest where you go to a hidden orphanage and accept a quest to save the slave kids from the slaver town and THEN go there, but I had no idea of that. I just went in and killed them because SLAVE-TRADERS. B|

Anyway! Don't mind me, I just love the morality choices in that game. And the way the head explode. LET'S DO A MEME AND ALL MOVE ON.

Um. Right. Meme. I can find one of those. Surely the f-list has...wow, no they haven't. Weird. Alright, no prob. Uh...


Links optional but highly encouraged!

OKAY SCRATCH THAT. Give me more questions for another TALKING AIMLESSLY MEME! Pyra has inspired me once again and I am so charming that I think I can make lightning strike twice, clearly.

Also: christ no I am not doing Nano. My motivation is far too sporadic to get one of those done, and bad writing happens when I force myself.

etc: oh shit it's a meme, things: roleplay

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