So, as some may know, I've been real sick the last week or so; bronchitis, sneezing, blinding headaches, no energy, the works. When I get ill, I get ill hard. Feeling mostly better now, though; it hurts when I turn my head too quickly and I'm still having trouble keeping my thoughts in a relatively straight line, but at least I'm not dying anymore.
Anyway. An update on things that are happening! And some sporking on shitty TV!
- I finished FFX! After leaving it at the final boss fight for like a month because I just couldn't stand my shitty non-working PS2 anymore, jesus christ, I fired it up on an impulse this morning, printed out the FAQ for the final boss (because fuck you and your ridiculous bosses FFX), and beat it.
...I-I may have teared up a bit at the end. :<
- Kitty is healthy and back to his usual routine! We've gotta have him on special food for the rest of his life, but otherwise he's A-OK.
- Saw something utterly ridiculous on last night's episode of Neighbours. Basically:
Okay, this kid Mickey was apparently not liking his off-screen life in Adelaide, so he runs away, SOMEHOW manages to travel from
Adelaide to Melbourne on a ten-year-old's budget (and staying remarkably clean) and not have anyone stop him, and end up back where the show is based, Ramsey Street., I was a bit of a shut-in as a kid, but I doubt any ten-year-old is sufficiently aware of his surroundings to travel interstate on his own and not get lost. But let's set that aside.
Mickey apparently called ahead to his ten-year-old compadre, Matt, so he could be hidden. (What does a ten year old boy need with a cellphone? Do they need to call their secretary to cancel their milk money stocks?) The kids are like 'hay let me hide in your room' 'k' and then they go.
Later, they're sitting on the couch eating chips (so healthy! Only a small child could think 'hurr yeah you can live on chips!'), when the adults come home. Matt pushes Mickey over into a corner to hide...and this is where the mind-boggling thing comes in.
Now, when you're trying to hide from someone, would you:
A) Stay in your hiding spot, out of sight
B) Wait until the adults have left the room, then sneak out
C) Run out of your hiding spot, flailing your arms, going out the front door and RUNNING RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE PEOPLE YOU WERE TRYING TO HIDE FROM
If you think Mickey picked C, you are correct. This kid's a real Nobel Prize winner, folks.
So, yeah. Another thing I saw was this show called Zoey 101, some cookie-cutter show for tweens starring Jamie Lynn 'Britney Jr.' Spears. Basically, the episode went like this:
- Appropriately racially and clique-y diverse group of friends eating sushi in sushi shop
- HIJINKS ENSUE. Sushi shop burns down, from a single pan of tempura roll, left alone for LESS THAN TWO MINUTES.
- Woe, our hangout is gone! Let's have a people auction to raise the 10 grand we need!
- Now let's dance around and cheer because we came to a decision!
- Richie Rich bids $4000 on the three girls and gets them to their mark! Girls are not pleased. Richie has a sleazy grin on his face the whole time. Creepy.
- Richie wants the girls to act as his personal cheerleaders, a la the girls that followed around Gary Oak in the first few series of Pokemon. Girls are not pleased.
Britney Jr: This sucks.
Girl1: Yeah, but at least I could NOT look cuter in this outfit! [ACTUAL QUOTE. Get it, because girls only care about their appearance!]
Britney Jr: Wait...I have an idea.
Girl1: duuuuuuh
Girl2: duuuuuuh
Britney Jr: He wants us to cheer everything he let's cheer everything he does.
Girl1: duuuuuuh
Girl2: duuuuuuh
Britney Jr: Everything.
Girl1: ...duuuuuh.
- Girls proceed to cheer Richie when he is trying to sleep (ignoring their other friends who share a dorm room and did nothing to deserve this), shower, and get shot down by a girl. Richie eventually gives up in disgust and hands them the check.
- Sushi shop is rebuilt! Everyone dances.
There was also a side-plot with the other two guys and Coach Screaming McStereotype (who calls sushi 'suh-shee'. Get it, because gym teachers are stupid!), but it's uninteresting. As far as I can tell, the moral of this episode was this:
'If you feel slightly inconvenienced or trapped in something you don't want to do which you promised to do, don't feel like you have to keep your promises! Just annoy/torture whoever is holding the reins until they give up in frustration!'
...yeah, that's a real good moral there, Britney Jr. Applause.
In other news, I have been sleeping a lot. My back hurts.
~ Aaron