- Went out and took up space in Starbucks today! Guess who managed to write 2800 words aww yisssss. Chapter 12 is just about rounded up! I am thinking of uploading the whole thing to Mediafire now it's nice and meaty, just for you guys.
- There was a dude on the bus home who looked like a member of ZZ Top on the bus. Right down to the hat, suit, and sneakers. It was pretty hilarious.
- There was also a dude who had $20 under his foot. I was busy debating whether or not I should wait until he left to scoop it up before he noticed it and took it himself. Worrying over things and not acting fast enough has been a problem I've wrestled with for years. :(
- So many girls checkin' me out. I was getting dressed before I went out and I was like WHITE T-SHIRT AND JEANS...BORING. Changed into my black business shirt and the bright red Kyon tie and suddenly...hurhur. This is why we dress up, dudes.
- Found a good new Internet cafe after my old favourite closed. Not quite as good for single-player stuff, but. It also has pool tables and Diablo II! Now if only they had booze. Pretty cool place though.
- Bought a new game! Time Hollow for the DS. It's pretty good so far, if a little bland and Japan-y, but the main dude...my god. Looks like Souji, sounds like Adachi/Lelouch. It makes everything kind of hilarious.
- Also been playing Fallout: New Vegas like a madman. Lots more quests, less music, and some rockin' partners. Boone and ED-E are kind of the best backup ever.
- Also, I feel like making an FST! Which would you guys prefer: an Ace Attorney one or a Persona one?
Also random thoughts about how optimism and being cheerful is always liked, if not considered fashionable and cool, but that can wait for comments since this post is gettin' long enough.