Dec 22, 2003 00:47
yeah, here it is, new six month or so cycle
of my life. getting ready to move, start
a new job, refresh and fix some personal
issues, as well as figure out some stuff
with my few amazing friends. dont really know
what to think about anything these days, but
im really excited that i have a few people
to care about. best friend is pissed at me
right now. there was this crazy crap going
on yesterday because the damn lock wouldnt
work and i was sortof in a seeming nowin
situation, but i could have done better anyway.
i dont know why i was so phased out, i think
itw as because russ just came in town and i was
looking forward to yesterday for over a month,
so i was way too inconsiderate. love that woman
way too much, and i wouldnt have it any other way.
i surprise myself that im typing this stuff,
and im sure it doesnt really mean much.
i find this livejournal thing funny ebcause some peopel
will write anything, some nothing, and then there
are those like myself who dont really know how much they can write
ebcause although no one really cares were still worried
someone important is looking. upset despite the wonderful
weekend because shes pissed and i was an asshole, and now
i dont know what to do. Want time apart so we can become
closer and work out our business. will come. goodnight, my