Wishing there weren't the Weird

Jul 29, 2004 01:40

I wasn't going to mention this, or act on it or anything, until i recieved a second anonymous post that didn't make sense to me. I recieved some anonymous post yesterday that also didn't make much sense, and i figured it was just someone who was being odd. Then i got a second one today. Both were signed L., and both mentioned drugs of a certain sort.

Now, i have found out who this person is, and why they mention said controlled substances, in regards to myself, i don't really understand. I don't really care, and i don't really want an explanation. I'm just saying i think its a bit childish, and anyone who would waste their time harrassing a loser like me is beyond pathetic :). So i hope you made your point.

I won't be a jackass and name you on this widely-read medium, but i do think it unfortunate that you proved my estimations correct in being a mentally deficient, pathetic child with nothing better to do than mess with someone you've decided you don't like because you lack sufficient care from nonexistent friends in your personal life and because your daddy didn't spend enough time with you when you were a physical baby, instead of merely mentally one.

I also am sorry, loyal readers, that i had to rant that out. but hey, after all, it is my journal, and for those of you who know me understand how i am when people talk shit about me that 1) isnt their business, and even more so 2) isn't true.

Anyway, enough of that thread - i don't like being mean, and i've just wasted far too much of time. Went to church tonight, was interesting - we were discussing cannonical texts and translational variants. Rehearsal went well tonight, but gavin is a jackass and we ended up having fun (god forbid!) instead of doing serious, productive, acting work (like i really care).

Political Update:
With the big grey Crap Factories (elephants):
Rush Limbaugh jabs the left today, saying that Theresa Heinz Kerry's speech was reported to be "self-centered" because she used personal pronouns. He also bashed her because of a cookie recepi that she didn't actually create, and one of her staffers submitted to a magazine. What is this world coming to!

With the Asses:
Ted Kennedy compared President George W. Bush to King George III of England, who lost the colonies in the American Revolution. "Our struggle is not with some monarch named George who inherited the crown. Although it often seems that way," Kennedy said. Also, keynote speaker, possible future US Senator Obama said: "In the end that's what this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism, or do we participate in a politics of hope?" [according to cnn.com]

hope you all remain beautiful.

"The propigation of lies and gossip in our modern society is one of the fundamental dangers facing America today. Such things do nothing but create dissent, destroy truth, and create false impressions of what otherwise would be a tightly-knit, personally understanding social order. While we claim to embrace understanding and community, it seems that all we care about, really, is the construction of falsity in order to alleviate our own conscious." - Michael Oscar Indest, Jr., from "Essays on Post-Modern Americanisms"

think about it.
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