Oct 21, 2004 09:01
All this Red Sox won, Yankees lost business just reminds me of why I became a Yankees fan in the first place. Red Sox fans and players alike do not have an ounce of class. The Yankees let the Red Sox win anyway. Winning gets kind of boring after 26 World Series. They need some variety.
Plus Derek Jeter is one of the hottest men alive.
I get to take my brace off tomorrow. I'm kind of happy even though my wrist still hurts because it's getting really annoying. And the whole Molly's house thing I guess isn't happening and there is no way in hell I'm going to the PAC dance, so I guess I'm babysitting tomorrow. Well maybe I'll see who's going. We can run around being crazy and then have a party back at someone's house.
I need to stop procrastinating and go do my homework. Just after I check the Coniston website.
Live Strong. Alison