Time: 18th September
Place: Sugarplum's aquarium.
Status: Private - Ligur, John, Crowley.
Summary: Ligur's little secret is exposed.
Ligur tapped on the glass of Sugarplum's tank and felt a stab of something that felt horrifyingly like guilt. He hadn't been around very much lately for his favourite little pet, owing to his continuing work in the magical world, and was starting to worry whether his sporadic absences were causing her to feel neglected. It was for this reason that today - against all previous promises of heart-hardening and treat restriction - he'd brought her two extra-large bags of marshmallows. He knew that the feeding of such sweet delights to one's tentacle monster was likely to cause a lessening of aggression and a reduced attack capacity, but he didn't want her to start thinking that she was unwanted. Besides, in his rare moments of self-honesty, Ligur was forced to admit to himself that Sugarplum was perhaps not going to be the instrument of mass destruction he'd originally planned.
"Sugarplum," he crooned, in a fashion that would probably have traumatised any other sentient being present. "Look what daddy's brought you."
Sugarplum, who'd been splashing about on the side of the tank nearest to the mural depicting cheerful scenes from the Maelbolge, turned around at the sound of her owners voice and propelled herself excitedly to her owners side.
Ligur reached out and patted the tentacle she proffered. "Who's my special little monster, then?" he said, opening one of the bags and taking out one of the tasty treats within.
Sugarplum gave him pleading look.
Grinning he handed over the marshmallow, before dipping back into the bag and proffering a second, then a third, then a fourth. So intent was he on feeding his beloved pet that he didn't notice the sound of footsteps outside.