Time: August 15th, 2000
Place: The bar
Status: Everyone except Adam
Summary: Pretty decorations...
Well, that wasn't the primary color they had hoped for. Pepper sighed atop the ladder and fastened another corner with the staple gun. She was trying to go as fast as she could, but with how she had to keep moving the ladder every few staples, it was going slower than she'd hoped.
She'd seen what Wensley had prepared, though. It was gorgeous and likely delicious enough for everyone to end up wishing that he'd made another. He'd had to smack her hand away from it to keep her from trying any. Old habits died harder for Them.
She looked down at Wensley, grumbling, "Is this really all we could come up with? Looks like the decorations for that Princess Bash you had to babysit for at the Dawson's a few years back." Okay, it wasn't that bad. They'd managed a little blue and green in certain places. And it was decidedly lacking in screaming ten-year-olds in cheap lipstick and rouge. But, really.
She leaned back on the ladder, glancing out to where John and Azirphale (she was so proud of herself for finally figuring out how to pronounce his name right) stood. "How much time do you think we have out there?" she shout-whispered to them. "Roughly?"