Alright, so I'll admit, I goofed up slightly.
More than slightly. Let's say....uh. 1,700 lbs worth of goofing up.
And no, I'm not on some kind of crazy binge diet :P
My goal, was to get rid of some of the engines that were laying about in my garage. Attempting to appease the engine gods, that Sarah mentioned, I suppose.
Well, I probably just brought down some kind of engine-god-based apocalypse.
But really, how could I resist?? This guy had a 460 Ford engine, and a C6 transmission (which I already have, but I can use another one, for the Mustang)....but when I called him, he offered me a second engine, for no additional cost. So, two gigantor engines, and a transmission, for $250.
At this point, if you know me well at all, you're probably shaking your head. Yes, I now have three transmissions, and four engines in my garage. No, I don't have enough vehicles to put them all in. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.
Oops. Getting ahead of myself.
Leaving the technical stuff out of this, so that I don't confuse non-car people, basically....the engine I got is a direct replacement for what I have (the big shiny one in an earlier post), but it gets better gas mileage and is cheaper. ^_^ And for those keeping track, yes, it's faster.
Sure, okay, so they weigh a hell of a lot. And I had to build a custom wooden dolly thing to be able to move one of them around. And rent a truck to go pick them up. And really, I don't totally know what to do with them.
But they're nifty. And I'll probably just clean them up and give them to someone who can use them a little better. But in the meantime, they make for great conversational pieces in my living room.
I'm kidding o.o It's shiny, but not shiny enough, yet.
In other news, I've been remotely contemplating an offer to open up my own car shop. Well, it'd be a partnership, anyway. Only current problem, is that it would require moving. And I rather enjoy my house. That, and with no formal training, there's only so much car work I can really do. On the other hand, it means I could focus on cars 24/7. That's pretty tempting, lol.
Well, almost 24/7, anyway. Got other things to focus on, such as Sarah (who weighs significantly less than 1,700lbs, by the way). We've got a weekend date coming up. Gonna go down to Atlanta, and see the Coca-Cola Museum, and the aquarium, since they're right next to each other. Last time we went to the Coca-Cola Museum was...back in 1998? So, we're a little early for an anniversary, but it'll still be fun anyway. Unfortunately, they moved it, so it won't be the same building, but hopefully it'll be set up the same way. Maybe we'll go by Underground Atlanta too, since that was part of what we did in '98, or just stay down there, and turn it into several days of seeing places. Or something. It's bound to be much fun, regardless. :D We'll take some pictures. Maybe do a Then and Now kinda deal.
Other than that, life is its normal spectacular self. Got a trip to Alabama coming up. Which I can't even really call a trip, since it's less than a few hours away. It'll be over a weekend, so I think Sarah will be driving out to hang out with me while I'm out there. Not that there's much in Alabama to see, but oh well. Then, in two weeks, is a trip to California, again. Which is awesome, cause I get good money doing that trip. Usually ends up being about 50-60 hours of work, per week. Boku overtime ^.^ And it's a nice drive.
All things being equal though, not much else has changed. Just constantly improving.
Oh, and the title of this post? It's a paraphrased excerpt of John Milton's L'Allegro(Translated: The Cheerful Man):
"Come, and trip it, as you go,
On the light fantastic toe"
Basically, it means to dance through life. And this is most certainly a life worth dancing through. :D
Peace, love, rock and roll, my children.