Ciao and Bonjour

May 26, 2007 02:06

I knoooow. A lot of things already happened. AI isn't as exciting as it used to be. Egghead Doh!thry sucks. A new Kelly album is going to come out on June 26 which I'm really excited to hear. The Office has just finished its season finale. The elections here in the Philippines. Gah! So many. I just have to finish documenting this trip.

So we are off to the island of Capri, which is at the Gulf of Naples. Where Madonna's origins are. Heh.

It's so pretty... :)

Grotta Azzurra. We had to wait in the boat for 30 minutes or so. Only to go into that little hole with the blue water for 3 minutes. With the guide singing something I don't understand.

Back to the island of Capri. Little shops and little cafes.

Pretty blue sky.

I want to live here. Must marry a Napolitano. Hehe, I kid.


And then here's our group with Enzo, the bus driver who wears a yellow belt and just refuses to eat Asian food. Heh.

PARIS! More specifically, Canal Saint-Martin. Some homeless people sleep on the side.

Ooooh, eerie music of Da Vinci Code. *g*

The view of the Eiffel Tower at Trocadero.

River Seine. Pretty. I really remember the movie Sabrina with this one.

Notre Dame

Inside the church.

Creperie, some walking distance from Notre Dame. *drool*

Quartier Latin. We lived in this neighborhood which is really nice 'cause it's at the very center of Paris.

Oh my God, one of my favorite eats: lamb gyros. Seriously, I'm not crazy about lamb, but this is just delicious. (and quite fattening, unfortunately because inside the wraps are also hee-uge amount of french fries -- and of course the lamb)

At Hôtel de Ville, housing of the local administration.

Saint-Étienne-du-Mont. Inside contains the shrine of St. Genevieve's remains, the patron saint of Paris. It also contains the tomb of Blaise Pascal.

People write their prayers here. But I was tempted to write something along the lines of "Dear God, bless my many children of colors. Signed, Angelina Jolie."

The Panthéon. Originally built as a church but is now a burial place to France's great men such as Voltaire, Rousseau, Victor Hugo, Louis Braille, etc.

Palais du Luxembourg

Another Da Vinci Code point of interest: Saint-Sulpice. *g*

What I would give to play that badass. Heh.

"Contrary to fanciful allegations in a recent best-selling novel, this is not a vestige of pagan temple." "Please also note that the letters 'P' and 'S' in the small round windows at both ends of the transept refer to Peter and Sulpice, the patron saints of the church, not an imaginary 'Priory of Sion'. HEE!

The Rose Line! Ohmygod! Heh.

L'église Sainte-Marie-Madeleine

Jardin des Tuileries

To the Louvre.

So... should I kneel down now, a la Tom Hanks? *g*

I took a picture of this the first time I went but of course, my camera got stolen. Yay for second chances!

The Denon wing, I think. I wasn't able to go to all of the wings, again. One of my goals in life is to spend the whole day in the Louvre, just listening to my audio guide.

If I had the time, I would've bought these silly DVC audio guides. But alas.

Yeah, I saw this in the store inside the Louvre.

Oh, sidestory: while my mom and I were in the store, some guy greeted me in Korean ("anneong haseyo" -- something like that). And I said, "I'm sorry, what?" Then he proceeded to talk in English, asking me where I was from, am I enjoying Paris, blah blah blah. He asked how old I was and I said 24 and he said that he never would've guessed that and he said that I looked like I was 16 years old. He also made small talk with my mom and he said that she looked very young. Long story short, he asked if I could go out for a drink with him and I was like, "Er, I have to buy a lot of stuff but it was nice to meet you. Aurevoir! *flees*"

The question is, why didn't I? One: my mom was there so... kind of odd. Two: Kind of scary to go out alone with the guy. Three: Don't feel like going out. Four: He looks like Earl's brother from the show, "My Name Is Earl" so... no. Seriously, he did. If he looked like Joshua Jackson or John Krasinki, that's another story that would probably invalidate reasons number one, two, and oh, three.

Hey, there's me!

These yellow flower-things are actually used for fuel.

Remember this entry? I said that "I Will Go To Normandy Next Year" and voila... I really went there. I really can't believe that it came true. Okay, let's try this one more time... I will marry John Krasinki! *concentrates really hard like Hiro from Heroes*

First stop in Normandy was Mont Saint-Michel. My uncle's boyfriend, Thierry, told us that their family lived there because their father, a gendarme, switches locations from time to time. During high tide, this piece of land becomes a small island.


Apple strudel




"Bush sucks"

I like these arches.

Moulin = windmill

capri, naples, normandy, photography, paris, travelogue, sorrento, italy, france

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