so i got new glasses
fucking costco screwed up my prescription! i think they filled the wrong one because looking through those glasses is worse than my regular vision. a lot worse. they are only okay up close and even then it takes effort to focus my eyes. and i don't need glasses for seeing things up close. i need to be able to see things far away. so now i have to call all these people to see what my prescription actually is and then see what costco filled and if they are the same. if they are the same then my eyes have changed a hell of a lot since the spring and i need a new prescription. cause these glasses are giving me a hell of a headache.
but in other news today should have been friday. after school was saga which was fun and nate was a homophobic grandmother. then we all piled in the deruvo's car and went to their house and watched a movie and ate rice and drank tea. paul and i fell asleep. or at least i fell asleep until paul rolled over and crushed my head and then i woke up. it was fun (and hoshi was there! so awsome!)
this weekend i'm going to lake george all by my lonesome self. this will be a weekend where i take long walks in the middle of nowhere and go through about 20 batteries by constantly listening to my cd player. oh fun. (everyone who is working? lame on you for working and not coming with me to enjoy the scenery.)
ew. and national honors society tomorrow. so gross. i'm going to show up and the darien school district is going to be like "WHAT? YOU DON'T GO TO SCHOOL HERE? WHO INVITED YOU!" and possibly they'll throw stones at me. i'm so excited. D:
alright. gotta study more kanji. over and out. *chhhhk*