Jul 14, 2015 22:57

糸 / 中島みゆき

We never know how we are destined to meet people
We never know when we are going to meet them

Where have you been?
How have you lived your life till now?
Under the high sky
Two different histories

You are the vertical thread
I am the horizontal thread

Woven together, the cloth may warm someone else one day

There are frays from the days we were concerned about our future
And the days we chased our dreams and failed
What would become of these threads?
Feeling insecured, I was shivering in the wind

You are the vertical thread
I am the horizontal thread

Woven together, the cloth may cover the wound of someone one day

You are the vertical thread
I am the horizontal thread

When two threads that are meant to be woven together meet
They call it happiness

なぜめぐり逢うのかを 私たちはなにも知らない
いつめぐり逢うのかを 私たちはいつも知らない

どこにいたの 生きてきたの
遠い空の下 ふたつの物語

織りなす布は いつか誰かを 暖めうるかもしれない

なぜ生きてゆくのかを 迷った日の跡の ささくれ
夢追いかけ走って ころんだ日の跡の ささくれ

心許なくて ふるえてた風の中

織りなす布は いつか誰かの 傷をかばうかもしれない

逢うべき糸に 出逢えることを

Maybe if I was normal I would be more hurt now..?
Maybe if I was normal I would have walked away long ago..?
But somehow... Somewhere I get the courage to swallow my pride and brush these things aside..
Maybe because I really can't and don't want to let you go..
Maybe because I can't imagine.. How I can live without..?
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