Feb 27, 2006 08:22

This was done on PhotoshopCS, but it should work on PSP as well.



2 different examples of the same technique.

  • The base:

    Now... A lot of people like to do Auto Color, but I think it messes up the colors and contrast and everything. So...

  • Dupliate the base, set it to SCREEN.
    I got this:

  • Make a new layer, fill it with

  • Set the color layer to SOFT LIGHT.

    Looks bad, doesn't it? Don't worry. We'll fix that.

  • Now, select the SCREEN layer, which should be your second layer-- the one between the base and the color. From the Menu, go to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Curves.

    This is where your adjustment layer should be:

  • Play with the curves until your icon looks good. Vague statement, I know, but that's how it is. For this icon, here are my settings:

  • Flatten your icon, and you're done!
    Here's my finished icon:

    Of course, you can try different colors with different icons, according to the color of the image of your choice. Here's another example with a different image and a different color.


    Finished icon:

    Have fun!

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  • tutorials, icons

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