The Issues with MIL.

May 11, 2007 13:42

After morning baths for the whole crew, we ventured off to the barber shop for "The Return of The Mohawk".  He had one previously, but my MIL wouldn't keep him overnight on the weekend (and go to church with her) unless I allowed her to have it shaved off.  Desperate for a childless weekend, I agreed.  Afterall, it's just hair.  It will grow back.

Since my MIL and my Hubby "had words", I highly doubt she'll be seeing them for a long time.  (MIL doesn't have a job, but is always too busy for her grandchildren, and said her schedule was just too packed so she probably wouldn't be able to see them for six months.  Excuse me, you live a couple miles away.  My parents live 2.5 hours away and see them more often than YOU do.  But anyway...)

We have such a problem with my MIL, that my husband didn't even want to tell her we were pregnant with our third.  She was negative about every single pregnancy, and has told my husband (and his brother) they need to get the ol' snippity snip because they definitely don't need more children.

Why tell someone who isn't going to be excited for us?  She obviously knows now, and brought up the subject last time my husband saw her.  I knew that she'd figure it out eventually, likely through rumors since some of the members of her small bible study group already knew, but if not that, she'd definitely see the belly growth or hear my daughter's excited chirps about her "new baby brother".

We're nearly at the point where, even if MIL calls and wants to have the kids for the day or night, we'll turn her down.  Quite frankly, I'd rather pay a babysitter (and with summer coming, there will be plenty available), than take her up on that just for some peace and alone time with Hubby.

It's not to be mean, but rather to show her that grandchildren are not something to be set aside and put off until you feel you can spare enough time for them.  When I ask her to watch them for a couple hours (very rare, but sometimes I have an appointment, or need to run errands without munchkins), she acts as though I've asked her to move a mountain.  Sometimes she will, but she makes a huge ordeal out of it.

LIke I said, it's just not worth it.  I'd rather pay a babysitter.

Grandchildren should be a blessing, not a burden, and I know for a fact my children are very well-behaved at their grandmother's home.  I know she feels like she's doing us a favor when she spends time with them, which, she often is because we need time to ourselves, but really, it should be something she wants to do, loves to do, and it's simply... not.

I know this has been a great disappointment to my husband.

So, I'm on the search for several good babysitters.  I already have one, and come summer, I'll be using her quite often.  She's great with the kids, and they absolutely love her, but, because she's rather young (15, possibly 16 by now?) I don't feel comfortable leaving her alone here if our evening extends late into the night (as in, mid-night).  So, for during the day and evening, she's great, but I'd love to find someone responsible who has her own car.

We also have friends who have a son, and we'll often trade off and help each other out.

Hope we can find some great sitters, as its always nice to have several, in case one or two are busy!
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