The Stephanie Plum series is a series of novels by author, Janet Evanovich that follows a female bounty hunter named, Stephanie Plum on her misadventures in fugitive apprehension. It's hilarious. I high recommend it.
I am a huge fan of this series and came across some disturbing news. I was visiting and found out that they have Katherine Heigl booked to play Stephanie Plum. The horrors! Stephanie is more like a Sandra Bullock-type of girl. Girl next door, self-deprecating, funny, comfort-eater, and very independent. She's also very approachable. I don't see KHeigl being the proper actress to play this well-loved character. I would never describe Heigl as the approachable girl-next-door type. Apparently, they had Reese Witherspoon attached to the project but it never quite took off.
I'd still go and watch the movie because I love this series but I'm sincerely crossing my fingers that Heigl doesn't butcher Stephanie. <-- check out the series!