During presidential elections I always end up forgetting to research the
other people being voted on because nobody wants to cover the smaller campaigns.
This is my reminder to myself to remember to figure out ahead of time who I else I want in office.
In other news, my jeans are still just a tiny bit wet and it is uncomfortable. But my bagel is toasty warm! Mmmm blueberries!
I forgot to mention this last time, but I got my hair trimmed finally....by the slowest fucking stylist on earth. She was finishing a little boy when I walked in, and I saw his sister but figured a 5yr old with absolutely straight hair wouldn't take more than 5-10mins just to even out the edges, right? WRONG. I picked up a magazine and 25mins later I was getting ready to walk out but had that crisis of "I've already waited this long...." as she reassured me it would only be another minute.
Not only does she take 15mins to brush out my hair DRY (so it wouldn't tangle in the sink...wtf?!) after I explain twice that it's 100% easier to comb with conditioner in it, she explains as she's circling my head that she's sick, she criticizes the girl who did my previous hair cut (while not listening to me and cutting off too much in back) and she burps in my face.
What should have taken 35mins (including driving time...) took over an hour, and I have learned my lesson - when your first instinct is to walk out, walk out.
Oh yeah....Happy Halloween!!! Do post pics if you've got them!