Concerning prom among other things...

May 20, 2007 00:21

I'd like to begin this by saying that, for those that went to the prom, I hope you got your money's worth (because, seriously, that's a shitload of money) because I didn't want you not to.  Hope you had some good fun.  This whole rant is MY take on the thing...

If there's a statement that has been abused frequently when pointed in my direction is "You're going to regret this" regarding my refusal to go to the prom.  Wow...who are you to say something like that.  I'd only say something like that if I had knew, for the most part, whether or not the person would regret their actions.  I think that after summing up my reasons for not going there's no reason for warrant of such a statement.  There you go.

Little backstory...I was almost forced to go to the prom by my family.  Since I didn't care at all about the prom I didn't tell them the tickets were going on sale until the day they were on sale with hopes that my mother wouldn't turn up the dough for the next day.  She didn't and I was relieved. heard right.  I was relieved not to go to the prom.  I completely despise the thought of it.  If you haven't heard before my explanation for such a behavior is this...The prom is the gathering of my current generation which, in turn, means that it consists of a tacky gymnasium filled to the brim with people I hate.  All those people to celebrate themselves for being of a certain year...really...the prom is as masturbatory (symbolically of course) a party as any for a teenager.'s sad to think that there's a good chunk of not only peoples lives but their minds devoted to being "perfect" for the prom.  Peoples materialism concerning their dress or whatnot was said far too many times for me to stand.

Also (as much as you want to stay away from it) prom is couples night.  It's designed for those in "love".  Even if you're single it's practically mandatory for you to have another person to be "coupled" with for lack of a relationship.  That's...just wrong.

I hate dances...completely.  The prom is an upscale (and I scoff at the word being used in such a context) dance.  I don't like to dance or be within a dancing area so the prom's not my thing.  Socials are also not my thing but I can stand them...unless it's filled with all the people I hate.  There's been a statement I've been tossing around lately (half-heartedly...but that means with some heart)..."I hate everyone and there's some that I hate less than others."  I guess that sums up my whole rant if you don't know't I a cynical bastard?!

So...yeah...I didn't go to the prom and I have no regrets whatsoever.  I will admit that I might of had a tiny bit of fun but at the expense of my parents wallets.  I could have hung out with a few of my friends and chatted it up whilst never setting foot upon the dancefloor  I would've been a wallflower at most other times.  I could of had a full meal of junk food and carbonated drinks.  I could of had a lot of things slightly uplifting come out of it but the rotten stench of the affair would hang over me on too great of a level to thoroughly enjoy it.

Simply, the prom's not my style.  That's my really short just isn't.

On another related note I'd like to say that I AM a part of this generation as much as I'd like to say I'm not.  The thing is, even though I may have had a better time within others, I probably wouldn't have had too good of a time partaking in any society different from my current one.  Thats brought me to the realization that, for me, past generations never die.  Their influence lives on within me...that's incredibly self-indulgent to say but I believe it.  I'm not talking about imitating or emulating the past but actually believing in their way(s) of living.  I can moan on and on about how I wish I was in another generation but I am in my own way.

I honestly think that, at the bone of it all, the way people felt is still around.  I'll carry around their various spirits with me my whole life.  I may be sacrificing a good deal of being a part of my own factual generation but, I don't need to absorb all that's I need to?  The problem with today's society is they gorge upon EVERYTHING that makes up our culture and EMBRACE matter the quality.  I only take the essentialities(?) of today along with partaking in the "past" as well.  There's joy to be had with doing such and I can only pity those that beg to differ.
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