Been thinking about restarting this journal for, well, years. Now feels like the perfect time to put those musings into action. Failing to qualify for the teaching program I applied for last year has left me untethered. And, like, when you have nothing, there's a strong urge to start something - anything.
On top of that, I'm clearly suffering from the affliction of Nostalgia holding my generation hostage. So, here I am. Giving in to the urge to reclaim a time in the past when I was looking forward to the future more than I was looking back.
I've been dealing with the anxiety of looking for alternative programs by doing anything but that. Lol so I am:
1. Focusing on improving my Spanish (i.e. taking classes and making friends on every available platform I can fit into the 16 hours I otherwise spend reading porn on AO3 and watching cat videos)
via GIPHY 2. Writing letters to one person who doesn't deserve it and to a bunch of people who do (see, I have to balance what my heart wants with things that actually replenish my spirit instead of sapping it)
via GIPHY 3. Participating in TK's book club and reading La Comunidad del Anillo (Tolkien) y La Canción de Aquiles (Miller) en español. Si no tengo nada más para sentirme orgullosa este año, al final podría afirmar que mis clases no fueran completamente inútiles.
via GIPHY 4. Contemplating that teaching diploma - come Monday, tengo que hacer una decision.
5. Joining
Letterboxd LOL and wishing there was a site like it for music. Someone on reddit said something about but Idk. I guess I'll have to check it out?
Speaking of music, last week I finished my January Bingo card and yesterday I moved onto new music.
1. Mistki's
Laurel Hell- which was, well. She says the sad girl trope is tired. But she also wrote I'm Working for the Knife. So, I don't know what to do. Couldn't have come at a better time in my life, Mitski, girl.
2. FKA Twigs'
Caprisong, which was the right album to succeed both 2019's
Magdalene and Laurel Hell on my playlist."What a turn around!" applies in both situations.
3. Elsa y Elmar's
atravesao. Traté de preguntar a E si sabía artistas o albumes parecidos a esto esfuerzo de Elsa y Elmar. La cosa sola que tenía por mi es un comentario de mi gusto, "Eras una latina en tu vida pasada." No me ayudó pero me reí tontamente. Pocas consolaciones, ¿no? Creo que es el tema por este año.
via GIPHY Well. Here we go, ladies.