Feb 24, 2006 18:08
Ok Ive been on tech support for more than an hour now...( my company uses everdream IT support). First off I needed my VPN fixed since that somehow messed itself up again ( VPN is what allows me to connect to my companys server in durham.) so after 40 minutes of screwing around that finally gets fixed and I have a nice new shiny password. I hang up with the tech and connect to the server and and then try to log on to the site, this also requires a password and login for whatever stupid reason and that doesnt want to work anymore. So now I have to call tech support...again. Now let me expand on the situation a bit before continuing into my fun filled password error adventure and youll understand my frustration. At my new site I only have one phone line not three like at my last site. I also have dial-up here instead of DSL ( which makes the administrative part of my job that much more fun). I have to split my one phone line between the phone and the computer, in other words if I am on the internet I cant use the phone. This wouldn't be that big a deal since My company supplies me with a cell phone but that cell phone is a blackberry. Ah yes the blackberry the most akward useless non-reception getting piece of telecommucation shit in the known world. Now EVEN considering all this I could keep my cool and deal with it if this was a rare occurance...but its not. Ever since we switched from in-house IT guys to these everdream (what kind of name is that for a IT company anyway?) fools I havent been able to go an entire month with out needing a password reset of some form. I'm starting to notice a trend here, everytime my company changes something and tells us how excited they are about it its a warning to pucker up because the ass pain is about to begin. As a matter of fact I am working on a mathmatical equation for this. It goes like this, Managerial excitement or M multiplied by the technological complexity of the change or T equals the Pain in the ass factor or P. P divided by the number of CSE's it will effect squared or C2 equals the average individual ass pain or A. So thus M x T = P , P / C2 = A . Of course this can be affected by varibles such managements response to negative feedback but as 90% of the time it can be predictied that the response will be to blow smoke up the freshly wounded asshole I have ignored it. Anyway im getting off subject, So seeing as I have dealt with this particular problem at least six times I called IT back and asked them to reset my BHWEB password, easy fix right? wrong, I get Jojo the wonder tech who is not only incompitent and clueless but rude. He is refusing to reset my password and trying to fix things that have nothing to do with my problem and quite frankly treating me like a idiot. Add to this the fact that my cell phone keeps dropping the call and you get a fun time in IT land. I am now waiting for 2nd level IT supporto to call me whick wont happen until I have left work. well whatever I'll deal with it on monday. Oh and by the way the CEO has passed down that since the company didnt make enough profit to suit him nobody gets a yearly bonus.....bet he still getting plenty of money...this company doesnt do cost of living increases, the raises we get each year are laughable and dont even cover the rising cost of living but every year they find more adminastrative crap for us to shove down our collective pie holes. so in other words every year I have more to do and Im getting payed less to do it....Fuck this company.