Apr 30, 2008 06:30
So last night I watched 'Diary of the Dead', the newest film the George A. Romero line of 'Dead' films and was highly impressed with it. It did have it's differences from his previous films though. Before they were always zombie movies with the underlining social examples of what's wrong in today's world, in this installment it was more a what's wrong with today's world with zombies thrown in. This didn't make the film any better or worse though, it was just a different and interesting take than the other 'Deads'. I have always been a fan of Romero's Dead films since the first time I saw Night of the Living Dead and I still am with Diary. I recommend watching it just as soon as it is released on DVD (which according to Fangoria shouldn't be too long now. I can't wait for the special features! Also you should read the interview Fangoria did with Romero, it's great. He spoke that a lot of the extras in the film were extras in the remake of Dawn of the Dead and while shooting had to keep reminding the extras that zombies don't run. Hahaha, I thought that was awesome.)
george a. romero's 'diary of the dead'