Jan 08, 2005 02:46
Sorry for taking this Stevie, but I have sooo many things on my mind that I won't be able to sleep... so if I wear myself out with a survey-thingy maybe it will help...
Name Four Bad Habits You Have:
1. Biting my nails
2. Being hopelessly devoted
3. Not being somewhere at the time I say I will be there
4. Being [possibly] too persistant in some situations
Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
1. Money
2. Andy
3. A good lay (Andy?)
4. Money
Name Four Scents You Love:
1. Gravity
2. Fresh Flowers
3. Haiku
4. Popcorn
Name Four People That Know You the Best:
1. Shelly
2. Katy
3. Gary
4. My mom
Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now:
1. Andy
2. Money
3. Sleep
4. ... Andy having money and sleeping in my bed...?
Name Four Things That You Have Done Today:
1. Took Amy to Carp Lake and hung out there
2. Went to French Farm to see Marlene and Howie ice fish with Andy
3. Went to BINGO and won $100... NOT playing BINGO
4. Went to Kev and Shell's
Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink:
1. Water
2. Mountain Dew (but I am steering myself BACK away from it)
3. Chocolate Milk
4. Strawberry Milk
First Grade Teacher's Name?: Mrs. Hare
Last Words You Said: Goodnight, I love you, see you later.
Last Song You Sang?: Jaded by Aerosmith cuz it was on the radio
Last Person You Hugged?: Andy
Last Thing You Laughed At?: Laverne and Shirley... but the last thing I REALLY laughed at was the "That's it, I'm not going!" part in the Grinch when I watched it last night.
Last Time You Said 'I Love You' And Meant It?: About an hour ago to Andy after I left my sister's... No, I lied, it was to my dad after I got home...
Last Time You Cried?: Earlier today after I finally got some of the information that I have been waiting for for about a week now.
What's In Your CD Player?: Uh... a CD?
What Color Socks Are You Wearing?: none
What's Under Your Bed?: Not much...
What Time Did You Wake Up Today?: 9:00 a.m.
Current Taste?: Diet Rite
Current Hair?: Um... brown with one redish-blonde... blondish-red streak... and soft.
Current Clothes?: white pajama pants and t-shirt
Current Annoyance?: Not being able to be with the man I love is kind of annoying...
Current Longing?: *rolls eyes* Andy
Current Desktop Picture?: Jeremiah
Current Worry?: I worry constantly about not being with Andy ever again. I am a loser... I worry about that too I guess. I don't want to be a loser forever!
Current Favorite Physical Feature Of The Opposite Sex?: Of Andy's... butt, or hands... or arms... or his sexy legs... I don't really have one favorite I guess...
Last CD You Bought?: Richard Marx - Greatest Hits
One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk To: My Grandma Landrie who was my best friend when I was little.
How Many Kids Do You Want? Two or three.
Type A Line You Remember From Any Book:
"But one day, Red Tractor got stuck." From the book "Red Tractor" that needs to be read to Jeremiah everyday...
A Random Lyric:
"I don't know much about love at all, but everytime I think I do, I stumble and I fall. But I know when you're here next to me, I feel things I never thought I'd feel and I see things I never thought I'd see."
How about the stupidest lyric?
I'll have to go with Stevie and say "Oops, I did it again..."
Identify Some Of The Things Surrounding Your Computer:
Nail polish, pictures, my bed, me...
OK! Time for bed now! Again!