I have the day off, and boy does it feel nice. I know I have to clean, but I feel like doing nothing and just catching some more episodes of Lost online in HD (I'm trying to catch up so I can watch it in the fall).
I am liking my job more and more lately. Apart from getting in the project I’ve been working on all year at the end of next month and the stress that goes along with it, everything else has been okay. I feel more confident now that I have taken ACLS and familiarized myself with what might go on in a code situation, what drugs to give for certain arrhythmias, etc.. having a code is probably scary, but the unknown is always even worse, and that’s what I’m afraid of.
I’m watching Casey (my cat) for my parents for a little while. My dad brought him over today and he actually remembered my place from when he was here a few weeks ago for a day. This time he was fine being here and settled right in, which was a pleasant surprise. I’m glad I have the large bird cage for Fred and Lucy, because there’s no way a cat could get in there even if he was relentless about it, and Casey only seems mildly interested in the cockatiels. They’re actually more interested in him, cocking their heads to the side to peek at him when he goes by… today was the first time I ever heard Fred hiss, actually.
I’d really like to get one more tiel since this cage is more than big enough for two birds, but I think I’m going to take it easy.. we saw a beautiful white-faced pied cockatiel that looked sort of like
this guy. In reality, though, having 3 birds might get a little too out of hand…
So tomorrow we’re going to go look at places for the wedding reception and to maybe set a date with the church.. who knows if that’ll all pan out. I certainly hope it does, but you just never know. On Friday I’ll get my ring sized.. then I’m working the weekend… joy. =-P