Jan 12, 2007 18:59
My financial situation is better but not good enough. I'm absolutely dying right now. It seems everytime I indulge I'm left feeling horribly bad and wanting to sell all of my clothes again. Ugh. Unfortunately I've got nothing to sell really, because I can't do without what I have.
I'm really annoyed with work right now, as my brother, who up and quit the company in July, was just re-hired due to my hard work and they are paying him MORE than me. How in the world is that far? And the only thing he can think to do with his money is buy games. Yes, I do want to buy more lolita items but more often than not I don't because I know I have other expenses(which I cover BEFORE I even think of buying anything new). Now my mom is putting more pressure on me financially...I don't know what to do.
On a lighter note, I recently watched Nana The Movie and am fascinated by Mika's weight. She's 88lbs! I'm absolutely floored. Plus, she's a whole inch taller than me. She's so beautiful.